Please Wake Up: Third Year

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A/N: 3rd year :) 13 years old's definition of NWFW in the beginning. AND TW SELF HARM

POV: Pollux Malfoy

"Hey, Ol."

"Hey, Prince Charming."

"I saw an empty train car." Oliver's face went bright red.

"Let's go." We slid into the empty car, locked the door, and put the blinds down. Oliver immediately started kissing me. His fingers were exploring my body, running through my hair, and I could feel his heart beating as he pressed into me. I wanted to melt into him. His mouth tasted like chocolate frogs and cherry soda.

"More." I moaned a little as his body pressed further into mine.

"You like that hmm?" His hands stopped on my chest. I just moaned. "That's a yes." He pulled my hair back and when I say I died, I mean I died.

"Room of Requirments next week." I finally said as we started to calm down, we had to get back to the main Car before our friends got sus.

"I'll be there." We started to walk back when the train suddenly got cold. Oliver pointed to an empty train car, we stepped in. It wasn't quite empty, someone was sleeping next to us. Of course, Potter was there too. God Forbid he be somewhere else. No one said anything until this cold feeling came out.

"STOP!" I scream over and over. Someone is screaming. A redhead lady is screaming. Lily Evans. I have seen photos of her. She is screaming. I want her to stop. She keeps screaming.

"Expecto Patronum." Suddenly it stopped. I looked up at whoever the hell my hero is.

"I'm Professor Lupin. Are you okay?" He rubbed my back as he helped me sit up, I wonder if he could see that I had an accident once the lights came back on. If he saw anything he didn't say much. "Here's some chocolate it should help."

"Th-Th-Thank you." Oliver was hugging me.

"Look he's wet himself!" Potter has to be the first one to notice. Lupin looked at Potter's robe.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor."

"You can't do that!"

"Yes, I can."

"I am Harry Potter. So you can't."

"You aren't Harry Potter, I've met Harry Potter and he has green eyes, not brown."

"Well I am Harry Potter and I do have brown eyes." Lupin gave up.

"I'm Pollux Malfoy." I had casted a spell to clean myself up.

"Well, Pollux I will see you in class." I went to go find Draco.

"Where were you?" I didn't say anything in response.

"A dementor attacked them." Draco raced over to me. He just hugged me.

"Your okay Pol. You're okay. I'll write to dad when we get to Hogwarts." He rocked me back and forth. I just fell asleep. Lily Evans was screaming. Would she be proud of me now? I had never thought about her or James Potter as my parents, but they were. Would they love me? I wish I could talk to someone who knew them, like Remus. I know he was good friends with James. He knows Potter isn't Potter.

"We're at school." Daphne smiled at me. We got through the rest of the evening with no problems.

POV: Draco Malfoy

Well, we had to wake up and take our career test. I got a children's healer, spell inventor, and a physician. My class schedule was adapted to fit these possible careers. Pollux got journalist, quidditch player, and politician. My father was pleased with both our results. He was happy neither one of us got a professor. We had a couple of classes away from each other now. It was kind of scary. I miss them though. I mean it's not like I don't see them, but I don't like being separated from them. Dementors haunted the outside and Pollux was at football a lot. He was making new friends alone. I was just alone. Sinking and alone.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

I am always busy now. It's thrilling to never be alone. No time to think. I haven't seen Draco too much lately. Oliver and I went on dates once a week. Life was pretty decent. We had our first quidditch match on Halloween. It was going to be great. 3rd year after the dementor incident would have to be normal. It was going good, it had to stay good. No one knew I was gay, I hadn't gotten any shit for being nonbinary, and I was a star in multiple sports.

POV: Draco Malfoy (tw)

Pollux wasn't here yet. Curfew was in twenty minutes. I was alone, again. I had been alone since class ended. I lay in bed. My whole body sunk into my bed. I wanted to feel something. I wanted to feel anything. Something had to make me feel. I grabbed my wand.

"Diffindo." I watched it bleed for a while, then I healed it. I am alone.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

We had won our first match, but those damn dementors came back. I asked Professor Lupin to help me learn the spell to make them stop. He said that can be difficult, but he'll try. Draco didn't even join us at the party to celebrate our win.

POV: Draco Malfoy

My head was spinning. I had taken some of the fire whiskey from a 7th year. I thought maybe it would make the hurt stop. It didn't. I am now in the bathroom throwing up. My mouth burns and I am crying. I wish Pollux was here. I am sinking.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

Draco wasn't in class today. I don't know if he even got out of bed this morning. I had to go check on him.

POV: Draco Malfoy

I lay on the bathroom floor, smiling. I would never be alone again.

POV: Pollux

I found him. He was laying there. His eyes shut. I screamed. Over and over again. I just kept screaming. Why did he do this? Did I miss the signs? I screamed. Again. Again.


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