Sirius Black: Third Year

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A/N: Hello. We are in 3rd year I think. I don't remember tbh. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded it. I am in the midst of Mock Trial Season AND I have musical auditions. Please pray for me, I suck at singing. Huge shoutout to my beta reader, Eri __Aizawa13!

POV: Pollux Malfoy 

I had been sent back to school. Draco was going to stay home till after Christmas. It's sort of scary to be away from him.

"Pollux! Did you hear about Sirius Black?" Blaise sat next to me in the Great Hall.

"No, I've had bigger problems recently." I rolled my eyes at Blaise.

"Oh yeah. Well anyways. Black broke into Gryffindor's boys' dorm."

"Huh? Hogwart is supposed to be the most secure place in the world and somehow every year something gets in here."

"You know technically he's Lord Black."

"You know technically I am the dark heir." That got him to shut the hell up. I wrote a letter to Uncle Tom quickly.

'Dead Uncle Tom,

I have a request. Ask my mother, as her Lord, to write a letter to Sirius Black. Have her invite him over Christmas break. She'll swear her magic she won't tell anyone. I think I can get Mr. Black on our side.


P. Malfoy

Heir to the House of Black, Slytherin, and Gaunt'

I sent it off with Roman.

"Hey, baby?" Oliver walked over and was whispering in my ear. "You haven't eaten all day."

"Have you been watching me?"

"Maybe. You know after your last class meet me in the Room of Requirements. We'll destress hmm? How's that sound?" I just nodded, it couldn't hurt.

POV: Draco Malfoy

Pollux is at school. I am at home. It's sort of nice. My mum teaches me most of the day. Uncle Tom visits every day. I see a new therapist once a week. Life sort of is feeling better.

"Draco, hello?" Oh yes, I forgot that I am currently at therapy. "What are you thinking about?"

"Just life."

"What part of life?"

"The parts that are good."

"What parts are good?"

"Mum and I have tea every day. Uncle Tom brought me mini cakes. Dad checking on me before I fall asleep. Pollux's daily letters."

"That's a lot of good. What do you do that makes you feel good?"


"Showers are nice."

"Why don't we have a spell to cure this stuff?"

"It's harder than physical injuries." Our hour was up soon after. It was tea time with my mum.

"How was it, sweetie?"


"I was thinking maybe we should go out tomorrow ?" I haven't left the house since I got home from the hospital.

"Do we have to?"

"It'll be nice. We can go anywhere you want."

"Can we go to that store in France?"

"Of course darling." After that we sat in silence, sipping our tea. This was my new normal for now. Mum got called to meet with Uncle Tom a little later,I was allowed to watch a movie. It was fun.

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