Draco's Sexuality Study: Second Year

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A/N: this will be short.

POV: Draco Malfoy

We are back at school now. They found a GIANT SNAKE IN THE DAMN BATHROOM. Uncle Tom came and collected all the Slytherin goodies hidden around here. He says that Pol and I will study them over this summer. We have a bunch of new classes. Like Magical Theory which I actually like a lot, it explains why magic works. If I am good enough at it I can take experimental magic and from there I can be a spell maker which sounds fun. Right now we are sitting at a quidditch meeting.

"Alright guys, we will no longer just be playing the other houses anymore. We will play other schools too, which is cool. Our first game will be against the Beauxbatons Blue Team. It's in three weeks. Now I am going to require everyone on this team to do at least one other sport. Sorry football season is done."

"What sport should we do?"

"I'm swimming," Marcus said. "I will recommend all chasers do swim." I nodded. So did Adrian. "Pollux I recommend swimming and fencing for you also. Beaters boxing. No choice."

"That's better than swimming." Bole was not a fan of swimming.

"Alright, Miles I know they are doing a netball league. You are tall. High injury rate though. Indoor tennis is also happening. Pick."


"You get hurt, you will wish the netball injury was your worst problem."

"I am going to do field hockey in the spring," I said.

"Good. It'll be good. Now I know swim will practice in the afternoons after class in the pool donated by the Wood family." Oliver and Marcus were good friends out of quidditch. "Boxing takes place in the gym in the early mornings. Graciously donated by the Brown family." Lord Brown had to save his family's reputation after his outburst. "Netball also occurs there in the afternoon after school. Fencing happens after dinner. Now everyone has their activity? Good. Stay active. You are free to go to the common room where I know sign-ups are. I expect names on them."

"C'mon Draco." Pollux grabbed me. We went down to the common room and signed up. "Now let's go-to breakfast."

"Heya Malfoys."

"Hi, Blaise." Pollux grabbed OJ, not for himself. He made Oliver a cup. "I saw you signed up for fencing."

"I did." This led to a table-wide talk about whos playing what.

"Hi, Prince Charming."

"Hi, Ollie! I got your drink order."

"Hey, my Prince care to walk with me for a minute?"

"Sure." Oliver helped Pollux up and they were off.

POV: Pollux

Oliver took us to this cute little spot. It wasn't too far away, but it was nice.

"Pollux, do you like boys?"

"I am not sure Oliver."

"I think I like you."

"I think I might like you too."

"I know this room. I can make it whatever I want. We can go on a date."

"Ollie we are only 12, we are too young to date."

"Speak for yourself I am 13. I want to slow dance with you."

"I'll think about it."

"Let me know Prince Charming." With that, he left.

POV: Draco Malfoy

Pollux was back. I was eager to get to Muggle Culture Studies today. I liked that class.

"Pol, let's go!"

"Okay, Draco. We both know you just want to check out Professor Smith, she's 7 years older than you."

"She's hot and I am eager to learn."

"About muggles?"

"About muggles."

"You don't even try to hide the fact you are lying to me." We finally got there. Pollux was partnered with Charlie in this class. My partner wasn't in class today. (Sorry y'all but Draco needs his awakening too). My eyes got sort of heavy. We were learning about muggle weapons.

"Draco." Professor Smith hit my table with a book. No other kids were in the room. "You slept through the bell. That was very naughty of you." She started tracing her hand against me. "What should we do?" I could feel my pants bulging. "Looks like someone needs help down there." She got on her knees.

"Oh yes. Ohhh ye-"

I woke up. My pants were a sticky mess and Pollux looked at me weird, he sat right in front of me. God, I had a boner, CRAP I HAVE A BONER. What do I do?

"Professor Smith may I use the restroom?"

"Yes, Mr.Malfoy." I had to use my cloak to hide my pop up. When I got back from the bathroom after ten minutes they were doing a worksheet. "You will find the information in your book, it is about the evolution of Muggle Weapons." I nodded. Charlie got up to show me where we were. I had never noticed the fact Charlie had some muscle to him. Or how his body was shaped. Or that his lips look soft.

"Draco? Are you okay? I've been talking to you for five minutes now." Charlie was waving his hand in my face. I want to kiss him. Oh my god, what is the word? Am I bisexual?

"Yes, I am just thinking."

"Okay." Muggle Culture Studies had suddenly turned into Draco's Sexuality Crisis Studies. Later that day we were in our dorm, just Pol and I. He was writing an essay for Magical Theory.



"Do you think we are old enough to know who we like?"

"Like as friends?"

"As more."

"Why? Who gave you a boner?"

"No one. I just don't know what age we are supposed to have this self-discovery thing started."

"I mean it is reasonable to start thinking about it by now. Do you think we are too young to go on a date?"

"No. Dates seem fun."


"Pollux you smell like an egg."

"Well, you look and smell like an egg."

"Well, you smell, look, and taste like an egg."

"Draco what the fuck?"


"I am going to shower weirdo."

The next afternoon we had swim practice. We didn't have to wear speedos thank god. We wore tight trunks, a much better option. Oliver was swimming too.

POV: Pollux

"Hey Pol." It was Oliver talking to me.


"Just warning you, we can see the boner." I burned bright now.


"I know. My body is a lot." He started pressing his arm against mine. "Jump in the water and it'll go down." He winked at me before he left. I took his advice. Swim was fun overall. I enjoyed all the new classes that were added. Math was a bit boring. Politics was so much work. All the time. So much work. We had to be ready to run a whole damn empire by the time we are 18. Overall I like the new schedule.

A/N: Much shorter and just to tell y'all abt Draco and his awakening. Should Oliver and Pollux go on a date?

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