To a hero

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POV Switch: Unknown

The Dark Lord had assigned me a task of great honor, to find the Potter boy and bring him to the Dark Lord. So here I was on Pivet Drive. I was dressed like a member of the royal family and had one of the royal family cars, muggles are so easy to fool. Finally, we were in front of the dreadful-looking Number 4. I will never understand muggles' obsessions with all their homes looking the same. It becomes sore to one's eyes. I have my "butler", I believe muggles call it, knock for me. He says something like, "I present the Lord of Wales." I wasn't paying much attention granted. This whale of a man invites me inside. His wife who seems to be a twig compared to the man comes in the living room with tea. I look around noticing that Potter isn't anywhere to be seen, his face wasn't even in a photo.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dursley,"  I say blankly.

"Hello Lord. Good afternoon sir. I'm positive you are here to tell us our little Dudelykins has been accepted into the country's top nursery!" said Mr. Dursley with a look of pride on his face, I suppose the boy he's referring to is the mini whale in the corner who's pants seem to be expanding.

"Are you referencing the boy in the corner? The one who appears to have just finished filling his nappy? Never mind. I'm sorry to say I'm not here to announce his acceptance. I'm here for one Harry Potter."  At this Mr. Dursley goes red, with rage or embarrassment is anyone's guess.

"Well you're lord he's a little under the weather, toddlers have more accidents when they're sick.. normally he makes it to the loo," he didn't sound too confident about that, "What do you want with Harry?"

Now I had to do some quick thinking, they had said something about nursery..."Well sir you'll be proud to hear he's been accepted to our finest nursery in the country."

This didn't work as I thought it would. He turned redder than the tie he was wearing.

"The freak? Sir, Lord, I'm sure you've made a mistake. Harry is below average he is extremely stupid. You must understand Dudley is a fine, young man. Harry is not."

Honestly, I hadn't listened to a word he said. I had begun to notice what sounded like crying from the cupboard. I had tried to be kind to these muggles, but now I pulled out my wand.

"Where is Harry Potter?" I screamed.

There were minutes of silence.

"You're one of them. You're a freak." Vernon finally stuttered out.

"Give me Harry Potter. Now." I said with a demanding tone.

"Fine take him! Take the little freak! He might not even be alive," Vernon opened the cupboard and I was shocked to find a what appeared to be a dead little boy. Upon close exception I realized him to have a pulse. He was out for the count. I sent a Patronus out to my personal healer and told him to meet me at my house in ten minutes, as I got ready to apparate I whispered to him, "Don't you worry you'll be okay. You'll be better than okay. You, Harry Potter, will be the best you could ever be. I promise you. My name is.."

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