Second Year: Panic Attacks and Sexuality Crisis

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A/N: I changed my user to ThatDrarryShipper89, too many people connect me to my old one. 2nd year here we go. Warning someone will have a sex dream in this chapter sorry yall!

POV: Draco Malfoy

Well, this is going better than I thought. We haven't run into Potter or any of his goons the whole train ride! I took my anxiety meds this morning, but I definitely thought seeing him would make them not work. For the first time in a while, I'm calm. Pollux is asleep next to me with Catro and my friends and I are playing chess. Maybe this a sign we'll have a normal second year. We got to the school and went on the carriages. The first years got sorted. This is when all Hell breaks loose.

"CRASH!" Whatever that sound was echoing through the hall. We are all looking at each other. I start to panic. Where is Pollux? I can't breathe. Where is Pollux? My whole body is shaking. I can't breathe.

"Draco, Draco. Look at me. Draco, I am right here. Draco. Draco. Hi. I see you. Feel my hand? It's rubbing your back. My other hand wants you to hold it. Yes, just like that. Okay, Draco. You're okay. I am right here. I am okay. Breathe in...... out....... In." Pollux slowly pulled me out.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Greg was mad his dinner had been interrupted.

"Hello, students! Hello! I understand you might be scared. The crash you heard was two students crashing into the Whoomping Willow. Both students are okay. Please finish your meal. The headmaster will be back to give a speech at the end." McGonagall looked pissed as she spoke, so I imagine it was her lions. Seeing as I haven't see Potter or Weasley I reckon it's the two of them.

"Draco drink your water." Pollux always makes me drink water after I freak out.

"Pol, I am okay."

"Just drink your water." Sure enough, I saw Potter and Weasley sneak in through the back door. So much for a normal second year. As long as those idiots are here we will never get a normal year. After about twenty minutes Dumbledore stood up.

"Welcome back students! I hope you all had a nice summer. Please be careful to remember the forbidden forest is just that, forbidden. No magic in the corridor. I hope we have a nice year." Oh good this year he didn't tell us that there is something in the school that can kill us! Lovely start really! We made our way to the common room.

"Alright second years go up the stairs and you'll enter your common room. You can find your rooms there." Marcus told us before he went to help with the first years. We got up there and I was pleased to see our common room this year was a little bigger, and instead of being a dreary color, it was a nice yellow. It had bean bags.

"Potter and Weasley never manage to let us have a nice normal day do they?" Blaise asked.

"No, they refuse to let us have peaceful lives." Tracey was rolling her eyes.

"When we are the Lords and Ladies I reckon we get rid of him. Just send him to America. They like people like him don't they?" Daphne actually had a good idea for once.

"I am with Daphne." Millicent, Greg, and Vince all said.

"Same." Pollux nodded as I spoke.

"Well, it's time to sleep in my opinion." Theo also had a good idea.

"Goodnight." Everyone said at the same time as we all disappeared into our rooms. Pollux and I were together again. Lily and Daphne were together. Millicent and Tracey were together. Theo was with Blaise. Greg was with Vince. Pansy and Olive roomed together. It's funny the people we are most compatible with and least likely to argue with somehow are assigned as our roommate. The exception is Pollux and me, we bunk together because we are twins. I wonder who I'd be with if he wasn't here.

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