Harry Potter AGAIN? First Year

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A/N: So a different sort of disclaimer. THIS WILL NOT BE DRARRY! I have a separate fic going for Drarry so check it out :)! Harry (Pollux) and Draco are BROTHERS here! So sorry if y'all are here for Drarry this is not the fic for you, but please still read :)

POV: 3rd Person

At dinner that night the whole Great Hall was abuzz with children talking about their first day of school.

"Children, Children I have an announcement. Look at me! I have an announcement." Dumbledore smiled. At the Slytherin table, several students muttered about a bumbling idiot. "You will all be relieved to know that Harry Potter was found and has been brought to school. He has joined Gryffindor, as we all knew he would. Let's all give him a warm welcome." The Gryffindor table erupted in noise. Nobody noticed Draco and Pollux looking at each other, or that they were no longer eating or that their faces went pale.

POV: Draco Malfoy

"Pollux cast a spell to make sure nobody can hear us." He did as he should.

"I have the amulet, Draco."

"Come here." We both put our fingers in the section designated for them and whispered, "Dad."

"What is it, boys?"

"Dad, Harry Potter came to school." I of course had to be the one to tell him.

"That's- that's-that's impossible. I have to tell Uncle Tom. Now. Boys you will get pulled out of school this weekend for a family emergency. As far as you are concerned your Great Uncle's wife Maria in Spain died. We will talk then. Try to befriend this Potter boy. Love you boys I must be going. I will contact the school."

"Okay, Dad. Love you too." We both said at the same time I quietly took the spell Pollux put up-down.

"Let's go to the first year's common room."

"Yeah sure."

"Hey, Malfoys! Which one of you boys got the winner of this Chess round? Either one of you willing to bet on this?" Daphne asked us.

"What's the pool at now?" Pollux asked, he always likes to bet on chess pools. Dad only let us bet on chess games with friends.

"Well, the competition is Olive VS, Greg. Vince VS Blaise. Theo VS Tracey. Millicent VS Lily. We just need someone to go against Pansy. We'll put the other twin in the second round. So far the winner will get 32 galleons. "

"I'm the better chess player so I should be in the 2nd round automatically. I'll put 10 galleons in the pool." I said.

"Any disagreements Pollux?" Daphne took my money and put it in the pile.

"No, but that ten is a joint bet." Pollux went and sat across from Pansy.

"Alright alright. I'm reffing all these matches. No cheating and no flipping boards Greg. If you flip a board you put 10 sickles in the pile. Foul language means 20 knuts. Got it?" Daphne scares the crap out of me when she gets like this. Olive beat Greg, to no one's surprise, Blaise of course beat Vince, Tracey beat Theo in an upset, Lily beat Millicent, and Pollux beat Pansy. "Olive VS Blaise, Tracey VS Draco, and Lily VS Pollux. You guys know that I take 10 galleons from the winnings right?"

"Yes, Daphne we know." Blaise had been the one to come up with this system for Daphne. After this round Olive beat Blaise, Draco beat Tracey, and Lily and Pollux had tied so they both were disqualified. So the only thing that stood in the way of me ordering sugar quills was Lily, I mean yeah I could afford it but ya know dramatics.

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