Dancing on the Balcony: Second Year

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A/N: THis is short

POV: Pollux Malfoy

Today was Christmas. Great holiday and all. Alas though it is Christmas Night meaning we are at the ball Uncle Tom holds. I am being trotted around like a trophy. Between Swim and Quidditch, I will say I have gained some muscle.

"My Lord, how are you? Lord Moon came over.

"I am well Moon. Very well. How is your Lily?"

"She is doing great. I must say this reform at Hogwarts has been a great benefit. She is already planning on becoming a healer, these classes will help her quite a bit."

"That is excellent. Yes, I do like the reform, it'll make a finer generation. I must say I do hope it makes those Mudbloods more like the rest of us. Bring some new blood into families you know? I know some families here are considering marrying cousins to stay pure but that idea disgusts me. Our blood will be no better than that of a squib if we marry our own blood." Uncle Tom was smiling, this meant he had just gotten what he wanted. A stop to incsest.

"I couldn't agree more My Lord."

"Very well Maximus, now if you'll excuse me I have to go make a speech." He moved out of the way and I followed.

"Attention everyone, attention." Dad sat up front hitting his own glass. "The Lord has a speech."

"Thank you, Lucius. Now as you all know last year I named my heir. I am happy to announce he will address us for the first time tonight. But first I was talking to Lord Moon earlier and realized we have some things to address. The education reform at Hogwarts is splendid. As I am sure you all agree," People were clapping at this. "The most important thing that will come out of this other than our children getting a brighter future is mudbloods will become familiar to our culture. They will understand our ways of living in a way they never have. This means I expect this next generation to marry outside of their family. I know that it is an unspoken thing, but alas it needs to be addressed. You will marry muggle-borns before you marry someone close in family. Is that understood? Hell, I rather you marry a muggle than your cousin." People laughed and raised their glasses. "I will now invite my heir Pollux Malfoy to speak."

"Thank you, Uncle Tom. This is my first time speaking in public so I am a bit nervous. Now sorry to all the folks my parents' age, but this is for my age group. We are the future. We will be leaders one day. In order to achieve being leaders, I ask that those of us in school choose to not discriminate against one due to their house." I knew this would shock people. "I imagine a future where I will lead us all. A future where I lead everyone regardless of their house. A future where you are free to practice dark magic, to practice light magic, grey magic, wandless magic, all of this and more is what I want for our children. 6th year, you are looking to find the person you will marry. I will be watching you at school. Should I see you romantically courting anyone who you are related to I will hold a public shunning in the Room of Requirements." I hated this part, but Tom insisted. "Now I would like to discuss the sacred tattoo our parents bare on their arms, showing their loyalty to the Dark Lord. I have decided against the design that the Dark Lord uses. All who follow me will bear a different design, which will be unveiled in two years' time. I expect many of my own classmates and the youth at this ball will take my mark. That is all I have to say. I now invite the 6th years to the dance floor, while the rest of you may eat." It was a famous tradition among dark families. You wanted to make sure your child would be married by the time they were 20. Sure we live longer, but it was nice to have someone with you. Food appeared in front of me and I ate. Uncle Tom decided we should take one more round greeting people. On this round, we stopped to talk to Lord Parkinson.

"My Lord, how are you?"

"I am well and you?"

"I'm good. I have an offer to discuss it with you."

"I am all ears."

"While I know the kids are a bit young, I was thinking. Your heir will need to marry eventually. The Parkinson's and Malfoy's are about 11th cousins, not incest."

"Parkinson, my heir is but a 12-year-old. He might be gay, hell he might not even identify as he. Surely you don't expect me to set up my heir for marriage at 12 before he knows who he is?"

"Of-Of course not my Lord. It was a mere idea."

"Parkinson after the party may you stay to clean up?" Oh damn, he was gonna get it.

"Of course My Lord." Uncle Tom grabbed my hand.

"Enough of that nonsense. Let's end the night now shall we?" I nodded. Within twenty minutes I was home. I overheard Dad and Uncle Tom talking later that night. "Parkison will remember his place now."

"He asked for my son to marry his daughter? They are 2nd years! Besides I am not sure if Pollux likes girls."

"Lucius I was wondering have either of the boys opened up to you about their sexualities?"

"I haven't a clue with those two. I love them both dearly, but god I need a clue."

"Hmm well they are a bit young I suppose."

So if it wasn't enough I had to have a sexuality crisis and a gender crisis. I have to make sure to tell them. Gee life is great!

POV: Draco Malfoy

It is now the New Year's Eve Ball. I hate this stuff so much. Pollux and I are both dressed in these new light blue robes. We both had to dance with some friends for show. After a while, Pollux and I went and hid in a stairwell playing Roblox together. Pollux hadn't talked too much ever since my mum made him dance with Oliver. Straight guys who are horrified at anything that makes them 'gay' suck. I can't believe Pollux is one of those straight guys.

"Hey, Draco I am gonna go use the bathroom." I just nod at him. Asshole straight guy.

POV: Pollux

The River's are hosting this year's ball. Oliver texted me to meet him upstairs. I met him on this balcony.

"Hey, Prince Charming."

"Hey, Ol."

"Have you considered my offer?"

"I have. I've decided that I would like to go on a date."

"May I have this dance?" Oliver held out his hand to me. I took it and giggled. We danced on his balcony. It started to snow. I wanted to kiss him, but then we heard someone. People just suck. We separated and started to look like we had a conversation.

"There you two are, come on they're doing marriage announcements." Draco was eyeing me weird. Did he see something? The rest of the night I just imagined Oliver's lips.

A/N: SHort but I want to go back to Hogwarts now.

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