Parties, Hogwarts, and more

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A/N: So, I've decided I would like to bring this book into the 2000s. So I've decided Draco and Pollux's birthday is June 5, 2005. All other characters will also be adjusted to make this story take place in a way close to cannon, but also giving me some ability to be creative. This just will help me later on. If you are all against it, tell me and I'll switch it up. Also, I don't own harry potter.

System of Lords and etc: Lords/Ladies= Most powerful title; Reserved for 40 families in England: Hold a seat at the Wizard's Council Sirpus= 60 families around England posses this title: Second most important; Hold a seat at the wizard's council: Capsis= 200 families; Hold no power at the Wizard's Council still have some influence: Maka= the rest of the wizarding world: posses no power at the wizard's council or influence

POV: Snape

It was mid-May, soon these little brats would be gone. Breakfast in the Great Hall this time of year was just awfully boring, the students yearned to go home or finish their exams. I was watching one of the children try to enchant a flower.

"Severus, an owl left a letter in front of you." Dumbledore looked curious, seeing as nobody ever sent me an owl. I opened it, of course.

'Dear Capsis Snape,

We would like to extend an invitation to you for our sons' 6th birthday. It will be held on 5 June 2011. We hope you will join us, please RSVP by the 30th of May.

Draco's gift list:

A Moun Kros Chaser Figure

Dogain Dragon Interactive Dragon Stuffie

Any and all dog products are welcomed

Anything you might think a 6-year-old would enjoy

Pollux's gift list:

Dogain Dragon Interactive unicorn Stuffie

Play snitch

Magic Paint Starter

Any and all dog products

Anything a 6-year-old might enjoy

We hope to see you there,

Lord and Lady Malfoy, Current holder of the Black family seat"

"Severus, you never mentioned Pollux Malfoy." Dumbledore was thinking.

"I didn't know of such a child. Draco is an only child." Severus said angrily.

"Come with me, NOW!" Dumbledore was angry. We began to walk towards his office. "Sugarrope." and suddenly we were inside his office.

"Sir, what are we doing here?"

"Looking through the Birth Records, Draco was born 5 June 2005?"

"Yes, Albus." Files flew all around us until one landed in Albus' hand.

"Damnit! It says Draco Malfoy born at 2 am on June 5 and Pollux Malfoy born at 2:05 am on June 5. According to this Pollux was a sick child, so they never exposed him to anything? How did you not know?!?"

"Albus we've discussed this. I haven't really been to visit Draco. Why is it such a big deal?"

"My plans involve Harry and Draco fighting. How does this work when Draco has a twin?"

"Easy sir, Harry fights with both of them."

"Severus leave and RSVP for Lord Malfoy's party now."

POV: Dumbledore

The blasted Malfoy's will ruin my life. Harry Potter would be tempted to be friends with this new Malfoy, he'll be a sickly boy who needs help. If Harry is going through what he should be he'll be trusting of anyone mildly polite.I should send some more money to the Dursleys. The Potter's account wouldn't notice if I took 50k pounds from their vault, besides at the holder of the Potter seat I control it all anyways. Perhaps I should attend the Malfoy's party, disguised. Hmm yes this all sounds good. I'll draft a letter to the Dursleys now.

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