Christmas and the Dark Heir: First Year

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A/N: This is fluff. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. Today is my little sister's first Christmas exciting huh? Here's a small thing I was thinking about. You all know nothing about me. Like at all. You don't know my age or my Hogwarts house. So yeah I've been thinking about that. Maybe I'll leave hints towards my house in my notes. Anyways here we go.

POV: Draco

We were at home. It is Christmas Eve. Mum had decided she didn't want to attend the Christmas Eve gala this year, instead, we would go to the New Year's Eve gala. This made sense anyways a lot of kids, especially the Lord and Lady heirs started attending the New Years' Eve gala after starting at Hogwarts. After all, it was known to be where you met the person you'd marry. It was where my dad and mom met. It was their second year at Hogwarts. They started as just friends. Now they have two kids and a dog together. Yeah, so that would be fun. Of course, we also had to go to the Christmas Day Ball. It was a dark wizard event held by Voldemort every year. Uncle Tom holds a nice party.

"Hi, boys." Dad was finally home from work. He kissed mom on the lips and our foreheads. "What movie are we watching?" Dad loved movies, even though they are from muggles and muggles aren't his favorite, but technically speaking wizards made moving photos and we all know Louis Le Prince was a wizard.

"I was thinking we could watch 'A Christmas Carol'," I said.

"The muppet version?" Pollux only liked the muppet version.

"Yes, the muppet version." I rolled my eyes.

"Draco don't roll your eyes at your brother." My mother scolded.

"Mum, can we have hot chocolate?" Pollux and I both asked.

"Of course babies. Daddy will get an elf to get it while he gets changed okay?" We nodded at her.

"I have hot cocoa boys! And of course a glass of wine for my queen." My dad kissed my mum again disgusting.

"Boys, treat your future wives how your Daddy treats me." Mum always said that. She raised two young men who will respect women. Her words.

"Let's watch the movie already!" Pollux had Luci cuddled up to him.

It's now the next morning. We had already opened our presents. Uncle Tom and his boyfriend were over. Today would be a day all of us would remember for a very long time. Pollux got extremely mad. I mean just plain angry. I am not sure why. I think the bells put him in over sensory mode. His hair turned red. His hair has done this before we all just assumed it was accidental magic.

"Pollux think about having green hair." Uncle Tom told him. Pollux's hair turned green. "Draco think of having blue hair." I did. My hair turned blue. "Lucius, you are a nitwit. Both of your boys, identical twins, are Metamorphmagus. You played all of the tricks off as accidental magic. God, now we have to register two 11-year-olds at the ministry and explain. Or hear me out don't register them."

"Tom I am registering them. I don't know how they can be it doesn't run in my blood." Dad said.

"You forget my sister's daughter. She's one. Many Blacks have been Lucius. I spent 9 months making those two don't you forget that."

"Of course my queen." Dad was such a kiss-up. This wasn't the part that we will always all remember though. It happened right after. Uncle Tom dropped something hot on his lap.

"Sssss." Uncle Tom sounded like a snake.

"Uncle Tom! You are at the table! Bad words are not allowed Mum's rules!" Pollux exclaimed. We all just looked at him.

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