Norma Malfoy: Third Year

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A/N: Enjoy.

POV: Draco Malfoy

It is warm. I love it. It is warm. I am in the garden at home. I sit there, I see the flowers I planted with my Mum when I was 5. I saw my grandmother, Druella Black, she had died four years ago.


"Hello dear." I wanted to hug her, but she was just out of reach."You shouldn't be here."

"I know."

"Why'd you do it?"

"I am so alone."

"Baby, how are you alone? Tell Pollux how you feel." I just nodded. "You can stay here if you want. A lot of your family is here." I looked and sure enough many were.

"I don't know if I should, but I don't know if I want to go back."

POV: Pollux Malfoy

My other half lay in that bed fighting for his life. Why won't magic cure him? My dad has already cursed out everyone who decided dementors on school grounds was a good idea. He says that why Draco got depressed. My mum cries. I am scared if he dies they won't love me anymore.

"Draco, please wake up." I held his hand. "You can't leave me. You are my everything. Draco, please." I started crying, I just kept crying. "Mum make him wake up!!" My mother looked at me with a sad face. "Daddy please!" My dad just grabbed my hand and brought me out to a different room.

"Polly, I am gonna send you home to Uncle Tom okay? Your mum and I are going to stay here. Is that okay?"

"If Draco dies will you still love me?" My dad looked at me for a minute.

"Pollux you are our child. We will always love you."

"But Draco is your only-"

"No, he isn't Pollux." With that, he sent me home to Uncle Tom.

"Hey bud, come here." Uncle Tom let me cry into his shoulder all night.

"Uncle Tom?"


"Love you." My eyes started to grow heavy until I fell asleep.

"I am going to make sure Dumbledore regrets ever existing." That was the last thing I heard Uncle Tom say before I went to dream about Draco.

POV: Draco Malfoy

I had twenty-four hours to decide what to do. My grandma decided to help me, she brought me as an invisible ghost to see my parents.

"Luc, what do we do if he doesn't wake up?"

"I don't know baby. I don't know." My father held my hand, kissing my forehead. "Draco, you have to wake up. I miss you. We'll go to a different school if you want, we can do anything if it means you'll be happy again." I wanted to lean over to hug him, but I couldn't.

"It's hard to be dead dear, you watch the people you love hurt and you can't help them." My grandma patted my back.

"If I die who will be the Malfoy Heir?"

"Pollux will take that Lordship too. Along with your Ravenclaw lordship."


"That's a lot for one person." She pointed out to me.

"I know."

"Draco, do you want to stay with me and watch Pollux live their life?"

"Would they be happy?"

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