October 31st, 2006: First Year

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A/N: Hey y'all :) I am loving writing this! So we are now entering our final first-year chapter! Can you believe it? They've grown so much!I hope y'all enjoy

Snape looked at me grimly, "Pollux is...barely alive." I wanted to Cry. Snape did something and picked him up and just ran like hell. I wanted to run after him but I couldn't. Pollux might die. My other half might die. My baby brother might die. If Pollux dies I'll be the dark heir. I can't do that. Pollux is supposed to make things change. Pollux is going to help make sure that autistic wizards aren't shunned. He's going to revolutionize education and the whole world so it is better. He can't die. He can't die. Somehow I was in the Hospital Wing. Waiting for them to say something. My parents were here. My dad held my hand. He looked at Pollux. Pollux was battling for his life. My mum was crying. She kept repeating the words my baby over and over again. My father was swearing more and more every second. It felt like an eternity before I heard,

"He's okay. He's going to be okay." Madam Pomfrey said. I closed my eyes.

POV: Lucius

I looked at my baby. He had been moved to St. Mungos. Cissy and Draco had gone home to set up a room for Pollux to stay in for Treatments. I would move him there as soon as I could. I looked at my baby again. He was so small.

"Well Lucius, he'll heal nicely. Draco found him in the knick of time a second longer and I would be telling you where to bury him." Healer Johnson gave me a weak smile. "He's going to be on these potions for awhile. We're waiting for him to wake up. After that, we'll move him back home. The only thing we don't know is how he'll be affected psychologically." He handed me a list. "I'll give you time alone."

"Hi Pollux, hi baby. I'm sorry baby. You called for me and I didn't come. I didn't come for you baby. I am so sorry. I will never make it up to you. Dumbledore insisted that the DADA teacher attacked you because The Dark Lord made him. Potter won't get in any trouble I know baby. I am trying. I don't want to take you away from your friends but that idiot. Don't worry he is going to trial. Don't worry Daddy will make it all better. Just wake up and we can go home. You can have mango juice. Daddy will buy the freshest mangos and we'll make it ourselves if you want." I cried as I kissed his hand. I saw the little 6-year old I held when he had nightmares. I saw the 7-year old who I held after he broke his arm flying. I saw the 8-year old who would paint my nails while he was bored. I saw my 9-year old son who insisted that we go to Disney. I saw my 10-year old who cried in my arms because he was scared when he went to school I wouldn't love him. I saw my now 11-year old son who called for his Daddy and I didn't come. All I could do was say sorry. I was shocked to see Pollux had woken up. He said nothing. "HEALER JOHNSON!"

"Yes? Oh, I see he's awake! Well, Pollux let's see. Open your mouth." He did. Johnson cast a spell over Pollux. "Well, he can go home, Lord Malfoy." Good, I grabbed him and went through the floo. The boys would be home for the remainder of the school year. I brought him to where Cissy and Draco were. They set up a room that was attached to our room. I walked in and it looked nice. The walls were lilac, Pollux's favorite color. It had a snitch flying around. There was a desk over on the side with his laptop. Over near the closet was a different desk with a mirror and some makeup things I guess? There was a window seat. Pollux would be recovering nicely here.

"Hi, baby." Cissy kissed him right away. Pollux held his mother's hand for a second. He still said nothing. Draco was watching Pollux. Cissy and I both knew they needed a minute. We stepped out.

POV: Draco

"Hi Pol." He looked at me. He walked over. He grabbed my hand. He brought me over to the window seat. He sat down and looked outside. "You don't have to talk you know. I can talk to both of us." Pollux had done this before once when we were 7. He didn't talk for a month. Nobody really knew why. Sometimes he'd go a day without talking, but he is yet to beat a month. It didn't matter though I always know what he needs or wants. Right now he just seems distant though. "Mum says we're gonna stay home for the rest of the year." He nodded. "Are you tired?" He nodded again. "Okay. I'll let you sleep." I left and went into my parents' room. "He isn't talking."

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