Pollux Malfoy

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A/N: I don't own Harry Potter, but a new story I am working on is mine and mine only. 

POV: Lucius Malfoy

It is the day. The blood potion is ready. Severus will be here with it soon. Pollux was recovering from his injuries well. The only long-lasting effects were a speech impairment that gave him a slight lisp, some bladder issues, and permanent bad vision. We would handle these as it goes. Tomorrow we would venture to the Alley, once Pollux was officially a Malfoy.  Our story would be he was a sickly baby and we wanted to shield him from the public. 

"Master, Severus has arrived. Dobby telled him you be down to get his things." Dobby handed Lucius his cane.

"Thank you, Dobby. Severus is being supervised correctly? No chance he saw Pollux?" 

"No sir,  Joseph is watching the boys in the playroom.  Yes, Pixie and Lodie in the room with Severus. They give tea to him sir."

"Very well, let us go down Dobby. Alert the Dark Lord that he should arrive immediately and  "Uncle Thomas" should visit tonight at 6 for a feast."

Ten minutes later

"Hello Severus, I trust you have the potion?"

"Lucius why else would I be here?"

"To socialize perhaps, I imagine you don't do much of that at Hogwarts." I grinned as he started to get his 'god how much longer look.'

"Hello Lucius, Severus." The Dark Lord smiled as much as he was permitted.

"Hello, my Lord. I have the potion you would like. I would like to see the ceremony it is used in." Lucius was shaking his head at this man's foolishness. The Dark Lord took the potion for Severus.

"No. You are not permitted. Next time you want to ask for something. Ask permission. You don't tell me what to do. Now leave!" The Dark Lord's eyes turned red with rage. He turned his wand on Severus and struck him down with a slight stinging spell.

Severus winced, "May I see my Godson before I leave?"

"No Severus, Draco is sick. You may see him next time." Lucius called for Pixie. "Pixie escort Severus out. Should he resist you know what to do Pixie." Severus was forced to leave.

"Lucius I think you should move. You know to Malfoy Estates. Malfoy Manor isn't good for the children. The estate has more room outside for playing, it has a pool, it has a field for flying. Room for lessons. Better for parties."

"That's actually an idea I've been thinking about, but I want to remove Severus status as Draco's Godfather and change it to you first. Then we'll move."

"I approve of such actions. Now excuse me to prepare for the ceremony. I assume the feast will just be us."

"Yes, right before we move we will have a party to introduce Pollux."

"Let us go."

Three Hours Later: POV: Pollux 

I'm wearing a T-shirt and pull up. This is not how I want Uncle Tommy to meet me. Lu-Daddy told me it might hurt. We had a nice dinner before this. That's where I met Uncle Tommy, Dray said he comes around a lot. 

"Are you ready Polly?" Mummy asked me.


"Remember you will sleep for 16 hours as your body goes through change." She gave Pollux a cup with the potion in it and he drank. Darkness fell on the world as Pollux finished it.

Back at Hogwarts: POV: Severus

Severus was fuming. Why was he not permitted to witness this event and what did this letter mean? He should be, as the head potion master, privy to all things his potions go to.

"Lokes. LOKES!" A house-elf appeared. "Get Albus for me. Now. Also, a headache relieving potion."

"Yes, master." 

Severus paced back and forth as he waited for Albus. Lokes reappeared with a cup of tea and a headache potion. 

"Hello, my boy. How are you? What is up with the sudden call."

"I am not well. I did as you said and asked Him to let me watch and he said NO. Then I get back here and I get this letter!" He held up the letter in rage. The letter read.


It has been decided you are unfit to remain Draco's Godfather. We have found someone more capable of the job. We, my wife and I, both believe that you have a conflict of interest seeing as you have to play a spy. We will still let the boys see you. We invite you next week to the ceremony for our sons' 6th birthday.  We will send a proper invitation soon.

Yours truly,

Lucius Malfoy

Head of the Malfoy Family, Current holder of the Black Family chair'

"They're revoking my Godfather rights! Because I can't dote on him because I am here!"

"When was the last time you visited Draco?"

"Two years ago. I've been busy."

"Severus. Wizards take this responsibility seriously. You knew that. When we discussed you agreeing to be his Godfather we went over how you would need to involved with Draco. You would need to visit him. Give him gifts. Possibly have him stay here every once in a while."

"Albus I know that. I just didn't think it was that serious."

"Spend time with Draco. Take off. They might reconsider."

"But sir."

Albus and Severus arguing over why Draco had a new Godfather distracted them from realizing the letter had said boys' not boy's party.

A/N: Woah Update? Yep? Pretty soon I'll break the 1k word count. Hope y'all enjoyed it. Suggest things.

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