Catro and Roman

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A/N: Long Chapter warning. I don't own Harry potter.

POV: Draco Malfoy

Yet again I was woken up way too early. Like insanely early. Even Pollux agrees with me. It's 8:00 am. Dad woke us up extra early so Professor Nelson could give us a lesson on something. After this lesson, we were going to go school shopping.

"Good morning boys." Professor Nelson smiled at me.

"Morning Ms. Nelson." Pollux yawned.

"Hi, Professor." I smiled at her, sleepily. She was American but came to Britain and now she does private lessons for families here.

"Today we're doing our last lesson before you guys go to Hogwarts. I trust you have your wands?" We both nodded. "Good, good. Now I know this is going to be boring. We are going to learn how to do a shield spell silently, and cleaning spells silently. This way when you're at school you can defend yourself and be tidy." We spent two hours going over spells. We both mastered it. "Alright, boys have a great year at school."

"Boys you better have showered! Otherwise, we will not go to Diagon Alley!!" Mum screamed at us. 

"Mum I showered!" I always showered. "Pollux is still getting changed."

"Draco, are you excited about school?"

"Yeah, I just hope I don't get in Gryffindor." I always worried about that.

"Trust me my dragon, you won't." She smiled at me, why do parents always act like they just fixed everything? Pollux finally emerged. He is four inches shorter than me.

"I'm ready." He smiled as he messed up his hair.

"Pollux, leave your hair be. Now we'll go to Li's Magical Delights for lunch. We haven't had Chinese in a while. Your dad will meet us there. Sounds good?"

"Let me guess dad's with old Fudge now?" We both asked in unison.

"Yes, the Minister is having trouble with the old fool. Lady Wood will be there in ten minutes, so she'll relieve him of that."

"Why doesn't daddy just run for Supreme Mugwump?" Pollux still sometimes called mom and dad, mommy and daddy.

"Well love, he would be a lot busier than and he rather is home with you boys." Mum smiled at us. "Let's get going?" She grabbed some Floo powder and boom. Pollux went next. Then I went through.

"Over here Draco!" My dad was waving at me.

"How was the meeting Pops?"

"You know that old fool. Today he was insisting that Lady Woods won unfairly, I don't think he realizes that was 4 years ago. I'm telling you boys, never be alone with him." Pollux and I nodded; we had both learned occlumency, and our heir rings were charmed to prevent people from prodding, so it wasn't that.

"What can I get for you today?" A sweet looking waitress came over. We all placed our orders.

"Lord Malfoy, how are you today?" Sirpus Li came over to talk to dad.

"I'm well. Is Susan excited to go to school this year?"

"Oh my yes. It's all we've heard about since the owl came." As they talked I leaned over to my mother.

"Mum, Pollux and I are both done can we PLEASE go shopping?" She looked worried at the idea of us on our own.

"I suppose, Madam Malkin's shop is only a couple stores down. You know what to get right? Don't buy your underwear from there though, we'll go to Madam Louise for that. Only your school robes, and make sure she uses the right fabrics, none of that itchy stuff or you'll both be in hives! Your father and I will be down to meet you there in ten." I grabbed Pollux and we went. As we were going Pollux ran into a boy.

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