Sirius Black pt 2: Year 3

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A/N: I have written nearly 33 chapters. I think? Maybe? Who knows?

"You can't be. No. Harry is a Gryffindor."

"Well, Sirius I can prove it if you don't mind."

"Please be my guest." I grabbed a blank piece of parchment and poked my finger. I whispered a spell and it appeared.

"Pollux Malfoy (formerly known as Harry Potter)

Blood Adopted Child of-

Lucius Malfoy

Narcissa Malfoy, nee Black

Child of-

Lily Potter (nee Evans)

James Potter

Heir to-

Black Lordship

Slytherin Lordship

Gaunt Lordship

Magical Abilities-


Natural Ability to become an Animagus

Natural ability for Unsupported Flight

Pukwudgie Magic (Natural Ability to do wandless magic)

Veela Magic

Spell Resistant to the Unforgivable Curses among common spells



Dark Arts, Potions, and Herbology


Divination, Charms, and DADA"

"Is that proof enough for you?"

"Harry?" I didn't correct him. This man was in pain. He had realized what he had lost to irrational actions.

"Hi, Sirius. If you promise to not lie I'll take the truth potion out of your system."

"I would never lie to my Godson." You know technically I did have two godfathers. That's gay, like me.

"Here." I gave him the potion. "Now I want to talk about something."


"Did you notice on that paper that it doesn't say I'm the Potter heir? Why?"

"James and Lily put you as the heir. The only reasonable explanation is Dumbledore has control over the Potter house, so he can technically switch the heir."

"Sirius, I want to ask a favor of you."


"Accept my dad and Uncle Tom's help. They will clear your name properly. Please I want to get to know you." This man looked at me for a minute.

"I will in exchange I would like to ask some questions about your life. I will discuss the details with your father and Uncle Tom." I nodded. "So, just tell me about yourself."

"I am nonbinary. They/them pronouns. I am a seeker for Slytherin, I was the youngest in a century."

"James would have loved that."

"I am the Dark Heir. I have a brother who I love more than life. I love school." Sirius was laughing at this point.

"Lily would love how you are everything the Light hates. She always thought Dumbledore was ridiculous. She'd also be pleased to know you love school."

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