New Plans: 3rd Year

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A/N: Long time no post. I am currently going through a diagnosis process for something. I promise I will try to upload regularly. Please point out any plot holes you want to be fixed. I am considering rewriting this whole book, but I'd really rather not.

POV: Dumbledore

Every time I thought my plans were finally coming along, something ruined it. This year's ruiner was Sirius Black. It was no issue I couldn't fix though. Sirius was sitting over on a chair in the ministry talking to someone.

"Sirius! My boy!" I approached him putting my hand out.

"Dumbledore." He nodded at me.

"I am sure you would like to meet your godson. Harry Potter. I could arrange it you know." This would appeal to him, I'm sure. "You could name him your heir instead of those brats."

"Dumbledore, skip the casual niceness. I am going to stay in the hospital for a while to get my health under control."

"I could control the Black seat until you are better. Take it off the Malfoys."

"I don't believe that is necessary. I also decline your invitation to meet my godson, until after I have received the proper medical attention. I will be taking over my rightful proxy over the Potter accounts though." That monster smiled at me.

"Of course not until you are better."

"Of course." With that Sirius left, I needed a new plan.

POV: Sirius Black

I was sitting in a room at the hospital. Getting ready to hear my diagnosis.

"Well, Lord Black. I must say you are malnourished, potions will fix that don't worry. On to the rest. You are infertile now. I hope you are okay with Pollux as your heir." He went on to name a lot of different things. Most of which could be cured with potions or such. A few required therapy.

"How much longer until I am well enough to serve on Wizengamot?"

"Well seeing as they let Dumbledore serve, I say you are well enough now. I'd recommend taking two weeks to yourself though. Sort through things as you need until you are ready to make a public appearance." I nodded. I spent the night in the hospital. I had decided I would spend these next two weeks with my nephews and sorting through things. The next day I visited Malfoy Estates for a meeting with Tom.

"Cissy? I was wondering if you'd like to go through the Black family properties with me later." I handed her a list. It seemed rather boring to do on my own.

"Yes, of course, I've been meaning to start organizing the properties for Pollux to sort through how he wants to handle them. Tom's in the office when you are ready." she handed me some food to bring to Tom.

"Knock knock." I stepped in handing Tom his food. "Can I sit or do I need permission for that?"

"Sit." I did as I was told. "What do you need?"

"I need permission to form a relationship with the fake Harry Potter."

"I thought we agreed on that's a bad idea."

"I thought so too, but Dumbles won't give me proxy without talking to Harry. Plus then I have an in on the light." Tom seemed to be thinking for a second before simply nodding, he then raised his hand pointing me towards the door. I dared not stay a second longer.

"Well Cissy, he gave me permission." I shot her an award-winning smile. "What do you say we crackdown and go through these houses now?"

POV: Pollux Malfoy

Tomorrow we were going back to school. I was nervous for Draco to go back. He was on a new medicine that really seemed to help. Quidditch was going to be in full swing with Marcus training us to win the World Cup Jr. or whatever they call it. I don't know how well Draco will be able to handle it. I checked my phone and noticed I had a missed call from Oliver. I pressed on it, he answered fast enough.

"Hey, baby." I smiled at his voice.


"I can't wait to see you tomorrow." His eyes looked like he had been crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing I just-"

"Oliver, what's wrong?"

"My dog died."

"Oh baby, it's okay cry all you want I'm here for you." I spent hours on the phone with him until he fell asleep. The next day on the train to school I just held him.

A/N: This is not a very good chapter, but it is okay. 

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