School days: 1st Year

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A/N: So this is weird but plz recommend fanfic for me to read, I'm bored. Here we go. DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter.


I couldn't sleep. Why did they say their pronouns when they introduced themselves? What did he/they mean? God, I wish Dumbledore would upgrade this building so my laptop and phone worked. Maybe I'll ask Lukas. Were there people who are things other than a boy and a girl? How did they know? Don't get me wrong I wasn't raised to think being gay was wrong or anything. It's rather normal in the wizardry world. I just didn't know about this option. How do I know if I am really a boy or if I want their pronouns too? Was I being mean because I didn't understand it? I hope not. I really hope not. Maybe I could go to the library tomorrow. Maybe they had a book. I was looking around my room for nothing in particular when I noticed a door that wasn't our bathroom door. It had a faint glow. I wanted to open it. I got up quietly so as not to wake Dray. The door opened to a room. It had a fireplace on one wall and bookshelves against two. The other wall had some desks and chairs. There was a couch in the middle with some smaller armchairs around it. An easel was in one corner. Where was I?

"It's our year's smaller common room. You know how they have a big one for all the years, well there is a smaller one for each year. This way we can study in groups in the quiet or class bonding, I heard Allie say that." Olive was in her pajamas. "I can't sleep either. According to that clock, it's 12:30."

"Olive are you scared?"

"Scared of what?"

"This new thing, school, living away from parents, no wifi..?" No wifi is very scary, laugh all you want, but you wouldn't know what to do with yourself without it.

"Sort of Pollux. It'll be okay though. Life is about scary moments. You look like you're worried about something."

"I am just tired, Olive." I was very worried.

"Hmm well there are two warm glasses of hot cocoa over there, how bout we drink them and try to sleep again. Draco will worry if you don't sleep." Olive was soothing. So we drank our hot cocoa. I went back to my room and slept. All I could think about was Lukas and Lake and pronouns and who am I?

POV: Draco

I was ready. Pollux was still asleep. I would wake him up soon. I had been in our year's common room with Blaise and Greg for a while. I wonder how Dumbledore is doing with his Harry Potter search.

"Pol, Pollux. Wake up! Wake up! You have to get dressed." I was throwing a pillow at him.

" 'M up Dray, stop throwing stuff." He looked like he wanted to kill me.

"Well if you don't get dressed soon you'll miss breakfast and the mail!" That got him up and dressed. We finally got out to the main common room.

"About time Pollux," Daphne said.

"I'm Draco! I'm taller and my hair is slicked his hair isn't!!" She always did this.

"No, I'm Draco!" Pollux said.

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are t-"

"Alright Malfoy D and P let's go, argue later." Blaise of all people made us stop.

"Fine." We both said at the same time. We made our way down just in time for mail. An owl dropped one off at Pollux.

"Dear Draco and Pollux,

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