Boils Boils Boils: First Year

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A/N: I did a cover (A REAL COVER) for this story and my other one. Uploaded on both stories. Damn am I on fire or what? Hope y'all like this :) After this chapter, I think I might not upload for a day or two as I write the rest of the first year because I have places to get to my children (don't worry I plan on each year spanning between 5-10 chapters and giving summers 2 chapters)

POV: Lucius Malfoy

I was meeting Dumbledore today. The boys' first week away had been hard. Cissy and I missed them dearly. The first day was sort of nice. We had time for ourselves, but after that, we missed the boys.

"Lucius, my boy, what's so urgent we needed to meet?" Dumbledore was sucking on some horrid smelling candy.

"It's my great aunt Maria, she passed away. I would like to take the boys for the weekend. They'll be back Sunday night. We have to attend the funeral. I trust you understand." I was trying to look miserable, I just thought of my baby boys in danger and it worked.

"Y-yes. Of course of course. Take them for the weekend. I am sorry for your loss Lucius." Dumbledore was taken aback. "I'll get Snape to get them now." I waited in this fool's office for twenty minutes before my sons got up there. I grabbed them and we immediately left. I had a portkey to our villa in Spain. Cissy was waiting there. I mean why lie about being in Spain?

"Hi boys. Oh, I've missed you, boys." Cissy was kissing their hair.

"Let's sit down to eat and talk, hmm how's that sound?" The boys both nodded as I held my arm out to Cissy. "Now this Potter boy.."

"He's my partner in Transfiguration." Pollux didn't seem pleased about that. "Every time I get the spell right he takes my evidence and claims it!!"

"So we know he's a brat."

"Yeah, and Severus gave him detention because he was being rude," Draco said with his mouth half full.

"Chew your food. So he's a brat and rude. Who is he friends with?"

"Just that Weasley boy and this Granger girl. He's jealous of Pollux though! So he's trying to get on the Quidditch team too!" Pollux punched Draco.

"No hitting. Pollux why didn't you tell us you made the team? What position? I thought they didn't let first years play? We have to get you the newest broom!" I was beaming. I always dreamed of my son playing on Slytherin's team.

"Seeker." My baby boy was a seeker!

"Yeah, he's the youngest seeker in a century Dad! He gets to play because he saved Longbottom's life!" Draco messed up Pollux's hair.

"My boy! That's my boy! Pollux I am so proud of you! You helped someone and joined the team! We are definitely getting you that new broom!" I smiled at him.

"And protective gear, top of the line right Luci?" Cissy was glaring at me.

"Of course of course."

"Nobody suspects anything dad." Leave it to Pollux to bring us back on topic.

"Good, good leave it like that. Uncle Tom and I will figure out who he is. Don't worry boys just enjoy your year."

POV: Draco Malfoy

That was a fun weekend. Dad and Pollux spent Saturday shopping while Mum and I went hippogriff riding. Pollux had gotten black gloves, silver arm guards, and silver shin guards. Mom had made dad buy this undershirt that would help protect his chest and stomach. I heard them talking last night.

"Lucius, he needs this shirt or he can't play. One hit in the stomach and he'll never be completely toilet trained. This prevents that." My dad just agreed and got it. Dad dropped us off at Hogwarts Sunday afternoon. We had also gotten our party things. Pollux had gotten black cards and a neon green quill for the invitations. I got a bunch of glow in the dark candy and a shirt that read 'First Year Glo Up' it seemed funny. When we got back to school Pollux went in our room to write invitations. Our whole 'no Gryffindor' rule had been lifted. We invited Quinn and Charlie. They're cool.

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