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A/N: 8k+ READS!????! Y'all joking me right??? I LOVE ALL OF YOU WHO READ THIS PIECE OF TRASH! 

POV: General Third POV

Draco and Pollux had gotten a magic Labradoodle they named Lucy, suggested by Uncle Tommy, and much to the annoyance of Lucius it was the winner. It had been a month since the boys' birthday. Life has started to settle down. The boys only did lessons once a week since it was summer, they went to quidditch matches every Saturday with their Dad and sometimes his friends.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

It has been a really interesting time here. I learned a lot about everything. Daddy told me next year, when we are 7 at the Heir Ceremony I'll be recognized as the heir to the Black Family. Daddy said he worked with all the people at his meeting and they agreed Mr. Black can't be the head of the household since he can't mentally do it anymore. I am excited. Draco will be the Malfoy heir and I'll be the Black heir. Uncle Tommy said tomorrow we'll be going out with him to get a special thing for us before we start lessons again.

-Next day-

POV: Uncle Tommy

Today the boys and I are going to get wands for them two. Lucius gave me his blessing to teach the boys some magic this year. It'll be helpful for them.

"UNCLE TOMMY!!!!" There were two voices screaming that in usion.

"Hi boys." I bent over to hug them. "Did mommy give you the bag Draco?"

"Yes." Draco held out the green bag to me, with a tap of my wand it could turn into a stroller so when they got tired I wouldn't have to hold them both.

"Well let's get going." On each leg, one boy grabbed on and we popped into the fireplace. I know Pollux was still a little scared of Floo travel so I always made sure to hold him a little tighter than Draco. "Here we are, boys. Now, do you guys want to walk to the store or get in the stroller?"

"I don wanna walk."

"Yeah I agree with Polly!"

"Stroller it is then." I quickly tapped it and then we had a nice twin stroller in front of us. I helped them get strapped in and checked to make sure that there was a change of clothes, just in case, under both boys and that Pollux's diaper bag was under him. Pollux still hadn't quite gotten the hang of potty training. Our walk was rather quick and neither one of the boys talked to me, instead choosing to talk to each other about their favorite video game. Muggles are so silly they would not put six-year-olds in a stroller instead they would choose to make the children walk. I never really understood it, here in the wizarding world it's seen as inhumane to not offer a stroller to your child over walking when they're under 8.

"Uncle Tom, is this the store?" Draco pointed at the store that we were indeed going to.

"Yes Draco," I helped them both out of the stroller and tapped the stroller and it became a book bag. "Now hold my hand and don't make eye contact with anyone, I'm going to put magic over my face so they won't know who I am okay?" I whispered this part to the boys. I was actually putting my Lord Voldemort glamor on so the owner would know not to mess around. I pulled them into the store and noticed they actually listened to my rules.

"Hello Lord." Ruth the shopkeeper seemed almost scared. "What can I get for you today?"

'Well, you see my two nephews here are in need of a wand, not that Ollivander fake stuff, the kind that speaks to them." (I am actually stealing this idea from a fic I read I don't know what it's called, but if you do tell me please so I can give the author credit.)

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