Tryouts: Second Year

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A/N: So I know I said this would be light, but I am me. oof

POV: Draco Malfoy

Date: October 31st, 2017

"Alright, first thing first. We have one opening. One. On our starting team. A chaser. So if you aren't here to try out as a chaser, get out of here. Reserve Team is already made." Marcus was yelling, a lot of kids were left. It was down to just 10 kids, including me. "Chasers are expected to be quick. Run the field." Whistle blew. I ran. Three kids didn't make it. "You are out." Marcus pointed at them. "You seven get in the air. We are doing laps." We went back and forth and back and forth. Three more kids threw up. "You three out, there is a hydration station down there. Don't go until Mike checks you and tells you if you need to go to Madam Pomfrey." They went down. "Alright, we are down to four. Amy Quila. Get up and play a game of catch with me and Adrian." She went, she missed every shot on the pitch. "You are out. Miles Welsh, you are up."

"You got it." Miles actually did decently until he fell.

"Man, go to the Hosptial Wing. Check the board tonight to see if you made it. Draco Malfoy you're up." I was nervous. I got in the air. They tossed me the quaffle. We played catch and then we got into action. "Beaters out!" Of course, they had beaters standing by. I dogged every ball hit towards me. "SHOOT!" I did. I made ten goals. "Draco ground now."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, we just have seen enough. You are free to go. Check the board tonight."

"Thank you." With that, I left. I have no idea where Pollux was. He was probably in the common room writing in that damn book. I hate that journal. I don't know the last time I actually heard him talk.

"Hey Draco, how were tryouts?" Blaise was sitting in his favorite chair.

"Decent, where's Pollux?"

"I dunno man, but you smell so go shower. Change into your costume too."

"Thanks, dude love you too." I went to go take a shower, and take one of my anxiety meds. It couldn't hurt yeah? I came out in my costume. I was iron man. Still didn't see Pollux in the common room.

"Draco, I am sure he is okay. He's probably still at the library doing some assignments. He'll meet us at the feast. Now come on it is Halloween after all." Daphne gave me a small back rub to help me calm down. We made our way down to the feast. I got so caught up in how amazing the hall looked that I didn't even notice the fact Pollux wasn't there, until...

"It's Potter! He's killed my cat and a girl!!" I immediately jumped up. Flich was bringing us to where his cat was. Sure enough, Potter and his band were nearby. This is when I started to remember Pollux was not with me. Suddenly it didn't matter about what was right here where was Pollux? I don't know how or why but I was on the ground. I couldn't breathe. The whole world was spinning.

"Where is Pollux? Pollux. No, he can't die." I was rocking on the ground, shaking, barely breathing, and crying. Oliver and Quinn slowly got me up and away from everyone.

"Hey Draco, you're okay." She then whispered to Oliver, "Write to his parents about what's happening." He must have nodded because he was off. "Draco I am holding your hand, squeeze it for me. Yes like that. Keep squeezing it. Breathe in, hold, out. Ready. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The cat and Josey are not dead. Not one bit. They are petrified. Big difference there." She started to hum. My eyes started to get heavy. I'll close them for a second. Quinn was playing with my hair.

POV: Quinn Edgecomb

"He's asleep." I showed Daphne and the gang of Slytherin's 2nd years.

"Good, this gives us time to find Pollux. Where could he have gone?" Theo pondered aloud as if any of us knew.

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