Summer's Ball

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A/N: So this chapter is actually going to bring us from now 6-year-old twins to 11-year-old twins! I know this is annoying but otherwise, we won't get to the Good Stuff forever!!

POV: Lucius

I was rushing to get to my meeting with Dumbledore. Pollux had woken up sick, while Draco woke up not quite sick, but obviously getting sick. I felt terrible leaving Cissy with two sick kids, I promised to bring back lunch and our healer.

"Ahh, Lucius how are you?" Dumbledore had been waiting in Severus' rooms for me to come through the floo.

"Headmaster, we've discussed this you should call me Lord Malfoy. I've been well yourself?" He annoyed me by calling me, Lucius. We started walking towards his office.

"Nonsense why call you Lord when I know you. Now I've been well. Care for a lemon drop?" He pointed at a bowl, I would rather die I shook my head. "Okay more for me. Now, what is this meeting about."

"Well, the Wizenamont is starting the process to next year's Summer Ball. We know you are Harry Potter's proxy, so will he be attending?"

"No. Harry can't attend."

"Sir, but."

"No buts Lucius. Harry will not be attending him and his relatives have moved to the states for a few years. He'll be back to attend Hogwarts. Worry not."

"We understand. That'll be all sir."

"Lucius, Lucius, how are your boys?"

"Pollux has a cold, Draco seems to have caught it. So if you don't mind I must be going to help my wife with the children."

"Tell me why I have never met Pollux, or heard of him. I've met Draco before at the Holiday Ball."

"Pollux was sick as a baby, so we kept him home with a nanny or healer when we attended social events. In the womb, Draco sucked up all the nutrients so he was very malnourished. Last year he received his clean bill of health. If you had attended this year's Summer Ball, I'm sure you would have met him." Our cover story made a lot of sense if you think about it.

"It was a pity I couldn't attend, but alas I was busy. Being Supreme Mugwump had me in France that night."

"Well, I'd be careful. Next year you are up for re-election, and not attending a Summers Ball could hurt you. Goodbye Headmaster." I knew for a fact Lady Wood would be running against him, she would have my full support. Anyone except this bumbling idiot.

A few months later-

It was finally Christmas. Pollux and Draco had woken us up at the crack of dawn to open presents. Of course, we had to wait for Uncle Tom to get up, and then we adults needed coffee while Pollux needed a nappy change and Draco had to go potty.

"Daddy, can we open the presents now? It's Polly's first Christmas being healthy!" Draco seems to have forgotten that Pollux hasn't always been with us.

"Yeah, daddy!" Pollux nodded along to what Draco had said.

"Alright boys, I just heard Uncle Tom step through the floo. Daddy will go get him and then we'll all meet downstairs and open gifts." Cissy smiled down at the boys, picking up Pollux and holding Draco's hands. I went to my study and grabbed Tom then we headed downstairs.

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS UNCLE TOMMY!" The boys both screamed, not running to him for once but rather looking at their mother as if saying now can we open the gifts.

"One-minute boys! We're taking photos!" Sure enough, an elf had a camera and was taking photos of the boys. "Okay fine boys let's open the presents!" Draco and Pollux were smiling at each other as they both dived in. Lucy had come and was laying next to Tom. We had a rather good Christmas.

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