The right words || Gojo Satoru x Reader

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Edit: this was made before maki was confirm to be alive.

31 October 2018. Shibuya was under attack by many curse and curse users. Almost half of the Shibuya population are dead. Nanami Kento, Zenin Maki, Zenin Naobito, and Gojo (Y/N) had lost their lives. When Satoru heard the news from his friend Shoko, his face was full of devastation. His student, colleague, and spouse are dead. Never coming back to live again. The cries of Satoru was silent. He fucked up. Badly. If only he resisted when that stupid fake Geto came. How is he going to tell his daughter?

As soon as he got home. His daughter greeted with a smile. Her face was sweet like candy. "DADDY!" Gojo picked her up and gives a smile to her. His smile didn't reach his eyes, which was noticed by his daughter. "Daddy, are you okay? Where is mommy?" ah... the dreading question. Satoru doesn't know how to answer her question. He isn't good with words. Before answering Satoru gulped. "She's... out in a business trip sweetie..." Her mouth pouted. She wanted to play with her mother of course. Satoru let go of her daughter. As she plays with her toys. Satoru went to the bathroom and took a bath. He silently contemplates on how to say to her 4 year old daughter. In the end, he never said anything to his daughter about her mother death.


A/N: I know that Maki and Naobito isn't confirm dead yet, but like no human can resist being burn alive. Even if they are alive they would have a toasty side like Nanami. 

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