Melt 2 || Various x reader

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A year has passed after your death. You don't remember anything from your past. You were just told that you got a new body. It doesn't seem there really any dramatic changes to your appearance except the whites in your eyes turned black and there is a stiches on your abdomen.

You tried asking your brother, but he just dismissed your question every time you asked. The same with your friend. Giyu probably told them to stay silent about the topic.

You walked through the empty corridors to your class. Your teacher is always late to every class he teach, which you take your time to your class. Sliding the door in front of you, you saw your friends talking together.

"____! Good morning!" Panda greeted you. You greeted back your friends and joined your friends conversation.

The lesson wasn't hard to digest. At the end of the lesson Gojo sensei gave your class a mission. It's rare for Gojo sensei to group the second year into one mission. It's usually be you (special grade) and Maki, or Panda. Since you and Inumaki is the only sorcerers that are grade 1 and special grade.

The mission was just to eradicate a group of pesky curses in a nearby abandon house. Your group swiftly exorcise the curse inside it. When you thought the mission was done, a portal of eyes appeared in front of the second years. A goat human cursed stepped out of the portal. She wore a magician suit and holding a black staff. Damn, she was gorgeous.

"oh, dear... it seems all of my followers are defeated." The goat lady looked to Maki. Maki holding her spear tightly. Without a second thought you blocked the curse from attacking Maki with your body. Striking to your abdomen, images flashes through your head. Images of when you fought with a special grade curse with Miwa.

You abruptly wake up with cold sweats. The previous special grade has made you more scared of curses than ever. Especially you almost failed to protect your best friend from Kyoto.

"ah, you're awake."

You looked upwards to the doctor. Shoko sensei sat down to a chair near your bed.

"I didn't think you would wake up again, the poison from the curse was a really strong. How do you feel right now?"

"... I'm doing... okay now... Thank you Shoko-sensei." Shoko sensei nodded, she went back to her office.

The cold breezy air hits you from the window in the room. It was nice day for a walk.

"___ - SENPAI!! YOUR AWAKE!!" You startled by the sudden shouting. A pink haired boy poked his head through the door way followed by his other friends.

"Oi! Move it now!" Maki kicked Yuji out of the way. "___!!" Maki sat down to the empty chair beside you. Inumaki and Panda just stands beside you, while the three first years was playing around the vacant bed nearby.

"How are you feeling ___?" Panda genuinely asked you.

"Uhh... I guess it could be better..." You looked down, remembering the dream you had. It felt so surreal to you. "Hey... I had a dream... about... me getting killed..." You clenched the bedsheets.

Maki immediately hold your hand. Even though she mostly thinks about herself, you were one of important people in her life. "Last year... you can say you 'died'." You widen your eyes, surprised by what Maki said.

"Giyu-san told us just to keep it quite from you, don't know why." Maki started to explain your accident death. Hearing this story felt familiar. That means you should be dead right now, but Giyu make you come back to life. This was a lot to take in.

"Tuna!" Panda and Inumaki started to laugh.

"Maki cried when your crow gave us the news. That was the first time I saw Maki crying." Maki cheeks became read as a tomato. "THE TWO OF YOU TOO!!" You, Panda, Inumaki laughed at Maki answer.

Meanwhile the three first year giggled at how chaotic their senpai's are. 

Jujutsu Kaisen x reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now