Bonfire || Itadori Yuji x GN Reader (modern AU)

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"Thanks (y/n)"

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"Thanks (y/n)"


The burnt smell of papers can be sent from miles away. Another dead give-away was the black smoke twirling around it. Your eyes flicker to the fire. The heat from it gave you warmth but not enough to melt you.

You took out your phone and look at the time. 8 PM. The cold breeze was starting to get you somehow. Waiting is such a tasking job. A week before, you were burning some old papers. You were in a pretty secluded area that not many people come and go, but your two 3rd year seniors noticed you. Which result on you waiting for them to come because they want to experience your shitty bonfire.

"(y/n)!!!" You hear one of your 3rd year senior called your name. Your eyes widen when you see there are more than two people coming. They even bought a makeshift grill.

"WHY IS THERE NISHIMIYA SENPAI AND KAMO SENPAI!?!?!?!" You rant to the two senior.

"Hehe, it be lonely if it's just the three of us." Sal answered

"Also I just invited Inumaki and his friends too." Hakari got off of his call.

"You should've told me before!" your brow frowned.

"This is why you should've not invited them (y/n)" Nishimiya butt in.

Hakari and Kamo sets up the grill. After the grill was set, Nishimiya and Sal get ready to grill the newly brought corn. Meanwhile you were texting and calling your first year friends to join.

In 30 minutes, almost everyone came to your tiny bonfire party, except for Yuji. You tried to call him several times, but he hasn't pick up. Nobara and Megumi also tried but failed.

"I'm gonna go to Yuji house for a sec." You tell Nobara as you stand up.

"Yoshh, be careful (y/n)!" Nobara yell after you got up from your bike. Yuji house isn't that far from where you were. You speed through everything just as the cold wind follow you.

It should be here. You look back at your phone, the address lines up with the one on your phone. You parked your bike outside and knock on the Itadori household.

In a few second, his older brother Sukuna opens the door. "What do you want?" He looked at you.

"Is Yuji at home?"

"Probably sleeping."

"Can you wake him up?"

"No, wake him up yourself." Sukuna retort as he let you in. He tells you where Yuji room is.

You went upstairs to Yuji room. Trying to open the door as quietly as possible, you see Yuji sleeping on his side. You were about to wake him up, when you see him crying. He must be having bad dreams...

"Yuji...Yuji..." You shake him a little. Yuji slowly opens his eyes. As he try to regain conscious, you sat by him holding his hand. After he fully awake, the first thing he saw was your hand wrapped with his hand. He immediately pulls away.

"AGH! OH! (y/n)! You startled me." He put his hand on his chest. You apologised and instruct Yuji to get dressed.

"Oh you bought your bike!" He points to your bike.

"Of course, if I were to walk, it will take like more than 10 minutes."

Yuji chuckled and got to your bike.

"Dude... We can't ride one bike together."

"Oh come on, no one gonna see us (y/n). Also I'm fast! so we'll get there in less than 5 minutes." Yuji grin. You let out a sigh as you sat on the passage seat.

Everything in your path flash, as you passed by. No wonder Yuji got the nickname The Tiger of West Junior High.

Yuji helped you off your bike. The intense cycling made your legs a bit shaky. You and Yuji walked to your friends. You and Yuji beside each other.

While Nobara and Mai arguing. You asked Yuji what dream he had. "You were crying, so if it's okay can you tell me?" He was a bit hesitate to tell you but he did tell anyways. Before describing his dream, you held his hand. He was grateful you did that.

"I just had a dream where everyone was either injured or dead. I also saw Nobara and my dad death (Nanami)... it felt as if it's real." Yuji whispered to you. His eyes dulled as he told you. Your hand still wrap with him.

Nishimiya handed you a roasted corn. You then gave it to Yuji.

"Huh? No no, its yours."

"It might get your mind things off if you eat it." You said, as you handed the roasted corn.

Yuji blush. "Thanks (y/n)." Yuji give you a bright smile. He then ate the newly roasted corn. Your sincerity to him made him wonder how did he get someone like you. 

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