Childhood friends || Gojo Satoru x F Reader

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Request by tedy123bear

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Request by tedy123bear

Gojo Satoru the heir and head of one of the three big clan. The strongest sorcerer in his generation. A cocky and a massive prick. As long as you have known him, he was always so aloof and cocky as if he was above everyone else because he inherited limitless and six eyes curse technique.

You have known him since he was very little. You were from a clan that is well known, but not famous like the three big clan. Though your clan and Gojo clan has been an alliance since who knows. You and Satoru childhood wasn't the best, especially Satoru. Since Satoru inherited his family curse technique, he was always training and studying. When you visits him, you could tell he was tired and bored. You were one of the person he could interact because of the close age. Though he mostly pull pranks and tease you a lot, which annoyed you so much that there was a time where you don't want to visit him at all.

"What are you doing?" Satoru looked what you are doing behind you. His eyes was full of curiosity.

"Hm? I'm making a friendship bracelet for my friends." You said while looping a pink bead through the white nylon strand.

"You have friends?" Satoru smirked.

"OF COURSE SATORU UNLIKE YOU!" You stood up from your spot. "Tell me Satoru... who are your friend? you home schooler." You mocked him back. (A/N: I'm so sorry)

His face turn into displeasure. "You're not gonna say Naoya right?" You said wanting to be assured by him.


"Well every time he came here, he would always follow you right?" You shrugged. Satoru just nod.

"if I have to say who is my friend is..." Satoru looked straight to you. "It's you."

"What" You blushed at him. "what the hell Satoru... even after I insult you..." You intertwine your arm to his. "Anyway what colour do you like?"

"I like blue, red and purple!"

"Weird colour of choice but okay." You finished your previous bracelet and starts to make a friendship bracelet for Satoru.

With its ups and down your relationship with Satoru was solid. As such you develop the most awful trope, childhood crush. You realized you liked Satoru was in middle school. You don't even know how it develop, it just happen. You even asked your middle school friends why you were feeling all mushy and gross around your childhood friends and in unison they all answer "You're in love dumbass." At first you don't accept it, why? His your childhood friend why the hell would you fall in love with him not only that he is cocky and feels almighty. However, later you admit defeat that you are in love with him.

Highschool rolls around, you and Satoru was enrolled to Tokyo Jujutsu Tech School. You don't know if you should be relief or scared. Though Satoru probably too busy being a prick rather than acknowledging your feeling towards him.

You both just finished a mission. Satoru being Satoru nagged you to buy him ice cream. You got (your favourite flavour of ice cream) and Satoru got a oreo flavour one. You both sat down on a park bench and just chill out. A few bites of your ice cream, you noticed something familiar on Satoru wrist.

"What the hell Satoru... You still have this??" You snorted seeing your old DIY bracelet.

"WHAT?! It's cute! Besides my crush is the one who make it..."

Heat rose to your cheeks "Verryyyyy funny of you Satoruu!"

"what's so funny? I genuinely like you (y/n)!"

You feel the heat on your cheeks getting hotter by the seconds. You stand up wanting to be away from Satoru for just a moment, but he didn't let you and kissed you. As soon as your lips touch with his, you realize how soft and warm his lips are. You tugged Satoru's uniform, he lets you go. You glared at your childhood friend who only grin like a child. 

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