"I won't fail to protect you again" || Okkotsu Yuta x F Reader

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Request by Mins000

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Request by Mins000

A/N: Sorry this took too long to make. I had a tough homework and also I was too stress to make anything. Anyways this include my OC Sal, a second year in this timeline. Current Manga timeline he would be a third year. Yuta might be occ.


"Yuta!" You waved and approach to the black haired boy.

"Whoa! You look like hell!"

"Do I look that bad?" Yuta scratch his cheek.

"Well... kind of," Your fingers move his bangs out of his eyes. There was a visible pink tint on Yuta cheeks.

"Your eye bags is darker than the night sky."

Yuta cringe at your description of his eye bags. "I'm kidding! You really need a rest though."

You catch your name being called across the room. You didn't want to leave just yet, but you had too.

As you walk towards where you were called, you remind Yuta to go to the butterfly mansion to rest up.

Yuta walked to the butterfly mansion. He was greeted by three little children and taken care by them. The soft bed of the butterfly mansion is always so soft and smells nice. As Yuta slowly fell asleep, a familiar shadow lurked behind him.


A loud thud sound can be heard as Yuta fall down to the hard wooden floor.

"Did you have a good sleep, sleeping beauty?" You answer as if you were innocent. Yuta looked up to see a huge smirk plastered on your face.

"You really shouldn't do that (y/n)... I think I got brain damage." You laughed at Yuta reply.

"aww are you hurt my sweet baby???" You cooed at him. Yuta just rolled his eyes. "Anyway... Maki, Toge, and Panda is here right now, so do you wanna hang out just for a while?"

He agreed to your invitation. You leaded your hand to him. He blush crept up to his cheek. He accepted your offer and you both went to kitchen together. You always tease him and giving him mixed signals. It always made him so fed up but at the same time you are one of the person that can make him smile even after an intense mission.

Yuta stood there looking at you lifeless body. Shinobu, your little sister holding you as if her dear life depend on it. Anger filled Yuta whole body.

He failed to protect and save you. He was too occupy on dealing something else, when you were facing an upper 2 demon. He should have been able to save you. He wanted revenge but instead the Gods above didn't let him have it. 

"What the heck? That's the first year you wanted to ask for to enter the goodwill event Hakari? ARE YOU REALLY SURE??" you asked your dreads friend.

"Aw, (y/n)! don't underestimate him!!" Sal poked your cheek. "That Okkotsu guy is a special grade!"

You sighed. "Am I not enough? I'm a special grade too!" You and Sal argue a little bit until Hakari shushed you both up.

Hakari went up to the first year group. Followed by you and Sal. Both of you hide behind Hakari.

"Oi Okkotsu! Can you um... help us with uhh... for the goodwill event?" Hakari asked nervously.

"Yeah! You might get a good recommendation if you do though!" You followed.

"But (y/n)-chan! He's already a special grade!" Sal retorted. You both go back arguing, while Hakari just face palm himself.

Yuta eyes widen when he heard your voice. The memories of him and you in your past life came flooded to him. He didn't expect to meet you here in jujutsu high. It doesn't seem like you remembered anything from you past life. Instantly without thinking he agreed to it. Your eyes sparkle when he responded. It made Yuta felt relief to see you like that. You, Sal, and Hakari celebrate on a new coming member for the goodwill event. Yuta promised to himself that he won't failed to protect you again.  

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