A struck of luck || Zenin Maki x F Reader (Collage AU)

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Request by anegizenin

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Request by anegizenin

A/N: Sorry if this isn't really good, ideas ain't flowing like it use too. Lmao. Btw idk how parties usually are, cuz I never been in a party. 

Momo senpai invited the your friends to a party near the dorms. You and Miwa didn't really want to come because you both weren't really a big fan of parties, but Mai forced both of you to come. Plus she convince Miwa to come because Kokichi was there too. Not wanting to be left alone, you reluctantly come along.

The party wasn't as crowded as other parties you were in mind. As you handing some drinks to your friends, a new group of people came through the room.

"Eww... The Tokyo gang is here too..." Mai complaint when she's see her sister groups coming through the door.

"Who?" You asked.

"Some students from another dorm." Miwa answered your question. "Mai don't really like her sister you see." She whispered the last part.


Miwa nodded and sips her drink.

"uhh... Which one is her sister?"

Miwa pointed out to the girl with glasses with a high ponytail, wearing a purple jacket with dragons drawing.

You crushed your drink out of surprise, spilling the leftover liquid to your hand and the floor. "You mean Maki???"

"Yeah, how did you know her?"

You nervously laugh. "uhhh... we... sometimes talk to each other at the library..."

"Hah! Why would you talk to her?! Am I not enough?" Mai chime in.

You blushed a bit before telling your little secret. "I... have a crush on her... That's why I talked to her..."

Mai gasp in disappointment. She can't believe one of her close friends is... is having a crush on her twin sister.

"why don't you talk to her now? She looks like she isn't busy." Your eyes glitters when Miwa suggested that.

You took a deep breath and walked towards your crush who was sitting down on a couch.

"Hey Maki!"

"Oh? Hey, I'm surprise to see you here."

You awkwardly laugh. "Yeah... uhh my friend kind of forced me to be here."

Maki laugh at your fate. Her laugh was so cute, you can't stop yourself from being a blushing mess.

"Hey, sit here." She patted to the vacant seat beside her. You sat down to the couch.

"I really like your jacket."

"oh Thanks! I painted myself."

Your eyes sparkle. "I didn't know you can draw and paint!" You stared at the small details of the dragons drawings. "it must have taken a long time to do it..."

"Not really." She sips her drink before continuing. "I had a day off that day, so I spent all day finishing it."

"oooh, I wanna try painting too..."

"Wanna hang out next week?"

"HUH?!" You jolt up from your seat.

"I... can teach you how to paint, while we hang out..." She hides her blush with her palm.


"Yeah." She attack you with her smile. You silently scream inside.

"So... can you?"

"OF COURSE!" You grin back at her. 

Jujutsu Kaisen x reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now