Miraculous || Ryomen Sukuna x Reader (Café AU)

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"Welcome! OH! HI (Y/N)! The usual?" You often go to Itadori family café after you went to campus

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"Welcome! OH! HI (Y/N)! The usual?" You often go to Itadori family café after you went to campus. It became one of your comfort spots you often go to when you feel down or just hungry in general. The place isn't special per say, it's like rustic vibe with a lot of greenery. The atmosphere it gives off was just unique unlike any other café around. Maybe it's because there isn't many people who come to this place. Except its located in a secluded area, which can't be noticed instantly.

"Yup." You nodded to the pink haired cashier. You sat down near the window spot. Right now, there was only you as a customer. 10 minutes later, your food arrived at your table. "Thank you Yuji- AHK! I-I MEAN SU-UKUNA..." You surprised to see Sukuna delivers your food. He sat down to the vacant chair in front of you.

Sukuna is the chef of the café. From your observation he rarely come out of his kitchen, even if he come out it would just to talk to Yuji. You would be lying if you don't like the man. You first met him when you were talking to Yuji. You were just starting to become friend with Yuji, when he came to the picture. Let's just say you instantly fall over heels for him. Ever since then, when Sukuna came out of his kitchen or talking to you, you just turned weak.

Fuck fuck fuck was the only thing that was in your mind. Your crush is in front of you. You don't know how to act at all. Out of the blue a growl from your stomach came out. You blushed red as a rose. "You're not eating it? You should be grateful that I made that." Sukuna scoffed. "...I know..." You mumbled. You slowly ate your food, trying to not see eye to eye with Sukuna. "This is good as always, thank you Sukuna." You smiled as you set your fork and spoon down. "Tch... of course it's good. I made it." A blush formed on Sukuna cheek.


Yuji: BRO! (Y/N) is here!

Sukuna stumbled while cutting vegetables: SHUT UP YUJI!

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