Moving || Fushiguro Toji x Chubby Reader

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Request by shairathebandito

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Request by shairathebandito

A/N: I'm sorry if this bad. Toji a bit ooc

After his wife unfortunately passed away, he went back to becoming a sorcerer killer. While he isn't doing his job, he would spend his money gambling on horses who always lose preceding to him losing all his money. To confiscate that, he move to one woman to another frequently.

One day, Toji met you. Appearance wise you were not really his type but you were rich. You inherited your parents business after they retired, despite that you were a hard working CEO. People often look down because of your chubby body, but you always prove them very wrong in the end. Every day you work and work nonstop, which where Toji gets an advantage.

"Hey there beautiful~" Toji sat beside you. That night you were very stressed because a new project have annoying clients. To make yourself feel better, you opted to drink your worries away in a midnight diner.

You cleared your throat before questioning the man beside you. "Do you need something?" You irked, closing your cup.

"Woah-woah! Don't be harsh to me, darling." Toji put his hands up, slightly smirking.

"Oh, please I know how men like you do things." You drink up your remaining sake in one gulp. "Please don't bother me."

What annoying woman.

Toji laugh out loud, getting the people in the diner attention. "One omurice please, master." He asked the diner owner.

Toji failed to win your heart that night. Yet he is determine to get that cash. The second time you met him was in a convenience store with his son. Toji didn't plan to meet you there. He was just buying some stuff for him and his son.

"Oh? We meet again." You greet him from the back. As soon as he turn to you, your jaw drop seeing a baby straddled. "YOU'RE MARRIED?!?"

Toji groan. He didn't want this to happen. Children is a nuisance to his plan because when he introduce his son, the chances of him getting cash is very low. "not anymore..." he mumbled to you while pinching his forehead.

"Aww, your son is so cute! How many months old is he?"

"He's 3 months old."

"what's his name?" You inquire, while pinching his son cheek.


You giggled. "that's an adorable name. He must be a blessing to you then." You still playing with his son.

Toji eyes widen. A few drop of tears fell to his face. He quickly brush it off with his t-shirt. His wife was someone he truly love from the bottom of his heart. Her giving birth to Megumi was the best and worst day for him. Not long after she gives birth to Megumi, her breathing started to slow down and her eyes shut close.

"Please take care of Megumi, Toji." His wife said before sleeping forever.

"Do you like children?" Toji ask anxiously.

"Kind of. Why?"

"It's nothing." He smiled, looking down at his son emerald eyes. Toji never stayed with one woman, maybe you are an exception. 

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