A new master || Fushiguro Megumi x Shikigami Reader

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A/N: kinda ooc Megumi

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A/N: kinda ooc Megumi

The light from the moon was reflected to the tiny pond in front of (Y/N). The koi fishes swimming around as if nothing has happen. The house (Y/N) have lived for several years changed from a warm place she can call home into a cold desolate building. Tears falls into the pond and making a ripple noise. (Y/N) had one job and that is to protect her master. She failed to do so, which resulted of his death. As days goes by many curses took shelter on the abandon old house. (Y/N) didn't have the strength to kill the curses inside her house. She just want her happy live back.

Several years later, 3 teens came to investigate and exorcist any remaining spirit in (Y/N) house. The locals there had spread rumours, which a curse was made by the outcome. The report said it was a third grade curse, but as always it wasn't. As soon as the three teens went inside, the curse manipulates the rooms of the house separating them from each other (like the drum demon from kny). The pink haired boy punching trying to punch everything, The hammer girl being stuck fighting small curses, and the urchin haired boy trying to find a way out with black demon dog.

"Why aren't you helping me fight this children (Y/N)!?" The curse stomp it feet to the old tatami floor. The curse feet left a noticeable damaged to the tatami floor. Annoying, you thought.

"does it matter now?" (Y/N) blew her cigarette. "I mean your strong enough to defeat those teenagers anyways, since you got Sukuna fingers?"

"BUT ONE OF THEM IS SUKUNA VESSEL!" a sigh came out from (Y/N) mouth. "Just deal with it yourself. I don't want trouble... free loader." Mumbling the last part. As time goes on, the three teenagers found each other and facing the special grade curse. Sukuna vessel was the first one to charge ahead. Ending up getting thrown to the side. The girl pulled her nails and threw her nails to the curse, hurting the special curse a bit. the urchin boy then summon a black demon dog shikigami. This surprises (Y/N). It is incredible that he can summon a shikigami with no charm. At that moment she want him as her new master.

A single strike from (Y/N) fingers, appeared a large blue thunder. With just a single hit from her curse technique, the curse burned to death. The three teenagers just was stunned by the sudden technique.

"What is your name?" her eyes fixed to the urchin haired boy. The boy gets into his fighting position. "... Fushiguro Megumi." (Y/N) knelled down in front of Fushiguro.

"I, (L/N) (Y/N) offer myself to you, Fushiguro Megumi as your shikigami. As long as I am alive, I will forever satisfy all of your needs." Megumi looked to his side for any response. Both of his friends was just as surprise as Megumi.

"uh... what do you mean?"

"You are a shikigami user right, Fushiguro-san?" Megumi nod. "I want to make a contract with you, I can provide aid when fighting as your shikigami." Comprehending on what just happen in Megumi's mind. Having a powerful shikigami would be an asset especially, if they just surrender themselves. "Fine, I'll have you be my shikigami." A contract has been sealed

Since then (Y/N) has been called frequently, second to demon dogs. Her thunder attack is a very practical on fighting curses, and her adding's tips on what to do as they fighting is handy too. Both of you also was warming up to each other.

Often times Megumi would let out some of his shikigami to play. Unlike other shikigami, you weren't like your other 'co-workers' per say. When he first summon you to just relax, you were absolutely thrill. Your old master regularly take you out to just see the world. Although Megumi wasn't that type. He was the stay at home club, while you wanted to go to outside.

"Megumiiii~ Let's go out!"

"No" Megumi continues to read his book.

"Whyyyy?" (Y/N) groan.

"Right now, I just want to read my new book, (Y/N)." Facing him, you place yourself in front of him. "Is the book really more important than me?" (Y/N) sits in a cute way to make Megumi feels guilty. "...yes" he continues to read the book. (Y/N) failed to notice that there was a blush on Megumi's face.

Every time Megumi summon you while fighting or just chilling, you keep pestering him to go somewhere with him and Megumi kept rejecting your offer. This problems goes on for a while, until Megumi just accept defeat.

You both went to a bookstore. Megumi was the one who suggest it. You looked thoroughly of all the books that was in store. There were so many kind of books in today age, unlike before.

"Megumi~ What book is this about?" You showed him a chainsaw looking dude book.

"hmm... I don't know... I rarely read any comic books."

"Is that soo... Can you buy this for me??"

"No." (Y/N) whined to Megumi. After going to the book store, Megumi went to a convenient store and told (Y/N) to wait outside. 5 minutes later, Megumi came out with two popsicle stick on both hand handing one to (Y/N). Megumi blushes as he gave it.

"Thanks Megumi-kun~" Megumi noticed (Y/N) rosy tint blush on her face. After a while the two of them started to develop their feelings. Instantly Megumi began to summon you more frequently than the demon dogs just to talk to (Y/N), which (Y/N) like.

One day, Megumi summon (Y/N) in a secluded spot of the school. His eyes was fixated to (Y/N).

"heyoo~ Megumi!"

"Hey." He gulped. "I w-want to say something to you... u-uh I really like you (Y/N)!" (Y/N) smiled and blushes upon his confession. In response (Y/N) hugged Megumi, whispering 'I like you too' to his red ear. 

A/N: Sorry this took way too long to finish. I had a hard time just to make the plot look smooth you could say.  Not very proud of it, but is good enough 🙃

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