Too late || Fushiguro Megumi x M Reader

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Request by Tendous-property

⚠️ Blood and slime creature 

How many hours has it been? 1? 2? Maybe more? You lost count of the time. Everything around you was spinning bit by bit, you could feel your legs using your last few energy as it was shaking, and some blood dripping down from your nostrils. You really wanted to sleep, but Gojo sensei really just had to give you a tough mission as usual. You hid in a nearby empty classroom with Megumi beside you.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" Megumi worriedly asked you. His eyes have concern all over. You nod. "Stop pushing yourself over the limit (y/n)!" Megumi yells at you. You wave your hand to dismiss him. You just need to survive this or else you won't ever confess how you feel to your crush. "I can handle it, Gumi." You said with a hoarse voice.

You and Megumi then smell the presence of garbage scents nearby. You both went to a fighting stance. The strong smell of garbage was the only thing keeping in the moment at least. The slimy looking curse came through the classroom doors. You felt like vomiting seeing it.

The slime secretes its slimy liquid towards Megumi, which becomes a portal. Megumi was too late to realize it. Megumi now teleported nearby the cursed, a really close distance. Too close. Your headache was starting to get stronger by the minute.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Megumi screamed. His slash away with his black sword, to only get the slimy hands to his head, preventing him from breathing. You take a deep breath and analyse your opponents. One wrong step can lead to you and Megumi's doom.

A crystal was inside the slime, it is the last source of its power. Before, you and Megumi had already got a few of its crystals. You focus all of your energy on your opponents and curse energy. Nothing matters anymore, except Megumi. You used your last bit of (insert your wanted cursed energy) to the curse, and you took the crystal.

The slime then disperse and explodes to your uniforms. You crouched to the ground. Blood spitting from your mouth. Everything around you is spinning like a carousel and freezing. Megumi ran to you and helped you get up.

"We did it (y/n)! Don't worry, it's not much further." Megumi assures you.

"Megumi... I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner. I love you Megumi. I hope that happiness will always be with you, take care of yourself Gumi. You feel out of Megumi's grip.

Megumi is now laying down on his bed, silently crying to himself. He holds a polaroid photo of you smiling brightly with a written message of some cringe thing you always say. 

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