The Holy Maiden of Winter || Various x F Reader

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The most terrifying thing in the world is

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The most terrifying thing in the world is...

Request by MMIXXII

Itadori felt an intense presence from somewhere but he can't pin point where it is. Until he sees a lady with a white dress line with red lines on her selves.

Todo pulled down Itadori, snaping him from his trance.

"Brother! Bow down." Todo whispered to Itadori.

"Who is she?"

"She is who we called The Holy Maiden of Winter."

Everyone bows down to the maiden as soon as she descends down from heaven itself, stoping herself in mid-air. All curse spirits in her vicinity all stop their actions.

She uses her curse technique, she surrounds the school with a white glowing veil. Her eyes locked to one of the curse spirits, the nature curse spirit.

With a snap of her fingers, a stroke of lightning struck the curse spirit. The remains of the curse spirits are just dust.

The maiden went down to where Gojo and Gakuganji is. Her eyes focus on Gojo kneeling figure. Gojo stopped his breathing, when she laid her eyes on him.

"You should have seen this coming, Gojo Satoru." She told him as she went pass him. She then gesture them to stand up.

She teleported to a spot where a certain curse is. A curse made from a the negative emotions of humans. He stand still to the looming figure on his back. Cold sweats coming out from him.

"You should have been more careful," She wrap her hand towards the curse neck. "Not messing up with my sorcerers."

A loud snap arise. The head of the curse rolled down to the floor. She stomped the head into dust.

"That Settled!" She smiled and clapped her hands. I want to try those cute crepes! She thinks to herself while she swagger out of the curse object room.

A few weeks passed by, the Maiden has been staying in the Tokyo school. Everybody, even Gojo sensei is tense. Who would have thought a young lady who looks like she can't hurt a fly make the strongest tense up. 

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