Insecurities || Todo Aoi x Short Thicc F Reader

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"Also! You're cute"

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"Also! You're cute"

Request by nyauwy

A/N: Hi! This was a fun request to write. I do hope I represent a short and thicc reader correctly, if not please give me criticism and tips for me to improve. Thank you 🥺

You sighed as you looked your seniors practicing on the field. Miwa, Mai, and Momo senpai all have such pretty figure. Slim and they all have small waist is everything you want. Your body was on the thicker side of the range. Having a bigger waist, short stubby legs, and visible stretch mark sometimes makes you feel as if the gods above cursed you with this body. Oh how you wished your body figure was like them.

Another bonus of they are the bless to be able to fight on the field, while you can only help them on the side-line. You were bless with being able to use reverse easily than the average sorcerers. However, you felt that it was not enough because you can't help anyone fighting.

You were too lost in thought that you accidentally let out "I wish I was like them..." What you didn't know that a certain teen heard your cursed words.

"Wish like who?" A familiar voice came from your back.

You turned around to see a Todo sweating after his daily training and drinking his bottle. "Uh... It's nothing Todo senpai." You nervously shake your hand.

Todo give a 'I'm not convince' look to you. You gulped and start talking your problem.

"Everyone here in school all are so strong..." You looked down to the pavement floor "and I... I can't even do anything... I can't fight, which make me so useless compare to everyone here..." You continued. "I hate that I can't help anyone..." You clutch your palm into a fist.

"That is where you are wrong (y/n)!" Todo stared at you. "You are an important person for sorcerers, do you know why?"

"why?" you stared back at him.

"Because without a doctor no jujutsu sorcerer will stay alive for a long time. They would be dead on the spot. Healers are important, not only they gave us an advantages but also assure people that they will help you no matter what!" Todo give you a pat in the back. "Do not be hard on yourself (y/n)." He smiled to you.

You were in disbelief after Todo give you a pet talk. You're not someone who would get his attention, especially since your short height.

"Also! You're cute. Don't beat yourself out" Todo walked back to his training field.

Your now in more disbelief after that.

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