.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- || Okkotsu Yuta x M Reader

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Request by Laura0182

"TRANSFER STUDENT INCOMING!! LET'S GET THE PARTY..." Gojo looked to his students who are just sitting down bored. "...Started..."

"I hear he's quite a punk. As for being nice to that kind of guys... no thanks" Maki stated her opinion openly.

"Aw, come on Maki! Positive thinking first, you might be wrong..." You said.


"Well whatever..." Gojo sighed. "COME ON IN!!" He yelled to the person behind the door.

As soon as the new students steps one foot to the classroom, all students felt an enormous sense of eeriness. Everyone gone off their chairs and pull out their weapon towards the new students. Maki started to talk about the new students being cursed. He looked terrified. The idiotic of a teacher Gojo explain how curses works to him. Everyone mentally cursed Gojo.

"This is Okkotsu Yuta! Everyone get along okay?!?!" Gojo introduce him to his students and vice versa.

"Our afternoon practical jujutsu class is going to be conducted in pairs! Toge with Panda. Maki, (y/n) and Yuta pair up!"

"Gah!" Maki cry.

"Maki!" You punched her shoulder.

"um... looking forward to working with you." Yuta anxiously speak up.

"Of course!" You smiled to him. Yuta smiling back to you.

A few weeks has passed since the arrival of Okkotsu Yuta. His been learning fast on how to fight. Maki has to be the most rough with him, he would always lose his footing which made him fall every time.

"Come on Okkotsu! Again!" Maki yelled.

"ughh... Okay!" Yuta scratched his head as he stood back up. His chest heaved up rapidly and sweats dripped down to the concreate ground.

"ALRIGHT! Lesson is over!" You stood up and walked towards the two students handing them their water bottle. "You did great Yuta!" You pat his head. He blushed.

"Thanks (y/n)..." He swiped his sweats off, hoping you won't notice the blush on his face.

Currently Yuta and Toge are playing Mario carts on Toge's room. Yuta having become more closer to Toge because a recent mission, made Toge glee. Although they can't really talk normally, they both manage to overcome that obstacle.

"Tuna!!!!" Toge put his fist on the air as he just won another round of Mario kart. Yuta curses.

"Togeee, you're too good at this game... You should go easy on me." Yuta chuckled. Toge just scoff.

Toge pulled his phone and start to write something. A ping sound came from Yuta phone. He looked the message from Toge.

Toge: (y/n) likes to play Mario Kart.

Yuta: So?

Toge: If you practice playing Mario kart with me, you can be more closer to him.

Toge grin to Yuta who is confuse.

"Him? Who?!?" Yuta asked.



Toge glared at Yuta.

Toge: You liking (y/n) ofc!

Yuta blushed. "WHA-WHAT NO I DON'T!"




They both argued for a while like this, until Maki has to come in and yell to them. You just giggled seeing them like this as if a child and a mother. Unexpectedly your chest started to aches and you coughed tiny bits of blood. Panda hurried you to Shoko office.

"I'm fine!" You assured your friends. Everyone looked concern for you. "This is just normal for me!" you laugh to lighten the mood up. "I've had this illness since I was a kid. It's not threatening, so don't worry! It's not like I'm gonna die because of this."

A few days later you were discharge but the sickness came back again after a few months. Before Yuta departed to Africa he went to your room. There is smell of antibiotics and alcohol inside. You greeted Yuta as he came to the room.

"You're going to Africa today right?"

Yuta nod. "Can I confess something?"

"Of course! Though I'm not a priest." You and Yuta giggled.

"I like you (y/n)."

Your eyes widen as he said that. Heat rose to your cheeks. You can't believe your classmate has a crush on you out of all people.

"oh... I thought you liked Maki..." You were still bewildered his confession.

"I do! But my feelings for Maki is different with my feelings for you..." His face gotten more red.

You smiled at the boy and pat him.

"..- .--. / - --- / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .. -. - . .-. .--. .-. . - .- - .. --- -." You answered his confession. 

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