Cuddles || Fushiguro Megumi x GN Reader

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"There are three big clans, Gojo, Zenin, and Kamo. Those three are descendants from the 3 vengeful spirit... Blah blah blah, whatever." You drop your textbook to the table you share with Megumi across you.

In a few more days, there will be a curse history test which made your boyfriend ask you to study together.

"I'm bored Gumi..."

Megumi didn't say anything back to you. There were silence surrounding you both. Until rains drops was heard outside. Megumi stands up to see the outside condition.

"It's raining hard outside..." Megumi open his curtains a little. He twirls his pen like a propeller. Megumi's bedroom temperature feels like its decreasing every second. Maybe it's because of the rain. Megumi went back to his table to sit down.

You stretched your hand onto the table. Moving your fingers in a grabby motion towards Megumi but not enough to grab anything.

"Hm? What?"

You pointed your index finger to Megumi's sweater he is wearing.

"Oh, you want my sweater?" You nodded. Megumi pulls his sweater out. "Here"

His sweater is feels soft. You can smell a hint of peppermint on it.

"Your sweater always smell good..." Wearing his sweater always give you warm feelings even in this cruel world.

You walked toward Megumi and sat on his lap. You stare at his jade eye colour. You hold his jaw towards you.

"Pay attention to me, Gumi... that test is only a few days away, we can study later." Megumi chucked at your reaction. He wraps his arms around your body. 


"your more cuter though. Well more into the pretty."

"haha, why? I'm still confuse on why you think I'm pretty."

"Well... it's because of... many things! I don't know... every time I see you, your just beautiful you know..."

"You're also beautiful too."

A blush crept to your face. Megumi only shows this side of him only to you. You and Megumi just keep on talking about things until night time arrive.

"I wish we can stay like this forever" 

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