Procrastination what's that? || Ino Takuma x Reader

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Looking down at your drawing tablet, your finger scrunched your forehead. Your right hand is already starting to ache because the hours you put to lineart all the panels. Your editor forced you to finish the chapter panels to be finish by this week, which you only have 2 more days to finish it. This was the worst part of being a mangaka.

"I'M BACK!" Takuma closing the door behind him. Placing down the food he bought, he went to check on his girlfriend in her studio.

"ugghhh... HAH! TAKUMA-KUN! I didn't hear you got back..." You startled by his appearance opening the door. Takuma just laughed at your response.

"You really shouldn't stay up late to finish up your deadline, sweetie." Takuma kisses your forehead while cleaning up the leftover mugs and dishes on your table.

You sigh at his comment. "My editor keep pushing me to finish the chapter by this week." You drooped your shoulder, whining thinking all the panels you have to draw.

"Sorry I wasn't here for moral support this few days, why don't we have a move night tonight?" Takuma suggested. Movie night or deadline, movie night or deadline keep repeating in your head. Movie night sound nice but the deadline. If you don't finish the panels your editor will kill you. Decisions decisions. You didn't even notice that Takuma leave your studio. Fuck it, MOVIE NIGHT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND IS BETTER THAN HAVING A HEADACHE. You quickly bath and change to more comfier clothes.

"HEYO!" You called your boyfriend making your way from your shared bedroom to the living room. Takuma amused looking at you wearing a white pajama romper with a pastel pink melody jacket. "Yo! Lookin cute as always!" he giggled. "OF COURSE!" Laughing at your own response.

"I'm gonna take a bath first. DON'T START ANY FILM ALRIGHT!" You chuckled at his response. You remembered one time you started a film without him, he felt betrayed and didn't not give you any of his ice cream. Lesson learn.

Few minutes later, Takuma plopped down beside you. His hair is still wet, and he still have a towel around his neck. Takuma wore a grey baggy t-shirt with shorts. He smelled like vanilla. Such a nice smell.

"So what are we watchin tonight?"

"hmm... Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon?"

"Ooo... Nice choice! You want a light hearted one tonight huh?" Ino response with a hum.

"work been tiring, Curses now is getting stronger than ever. BUT! That doesn't mean I'm giving up!" Takuma turned to you, widely grinning. God, he is so adorable.

"Keep up with the good work my sweet sorcerer!" You kissed his cheek for good luck. You laid your head on Takuma shoulder. Takuma putting his arm around you while searching for the show. 

A/N: THIS MAN IS JUST SO ADORABLE! I really like how he is determine to reach his goals and his design is just cute simple. like I said before Ino is adorable. If you know any good Ino Takuma x reader please do tell. 

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