Headcanon Sukuna as your cat + Twin AU

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· It has been a few months since your family adopted a cat. His name is Ryo-chan despite being a male cat.

· (If you have siblings) Your siblings adored his big eyes, fluffy body, and everything about him. You too of course.

· However, every time they approach him, Ryo would not hesitate to pull out his claw and scratch them. Meanwhile you and Ryo have a fairly good relationship. He would certainly make you scratch his back, pat him, play with him, etc.

· If you are at home he would 100% be clingy to you, which make your siblings jealous of you.

· Most of the time he just sleeping or laying down. (Akutami Gege sensei told in his latest interview that most of the Sukuna just spaces out.)

· Sometimes you invited your friends over. Ryo would hiss and scratch Yuji, glare at Nobara and Sukuna, but he will be an angle to Megumi. You honestly don't know why he picked Megumi over you other friends.

· Regardless, you still love Ryo with all you heart. Maybe a bit annoyed when tiny kittens are in your doorstep though. Motherfucker fuck around in his neighbourhood.


You: It don't bite.

Yuji: YES IT DO!!!

A/N: This was a dumb. I saw a drawing of Sukuna as a cat by monaco00 in Twitter. Please do give them a follow if you like jjk, their drawings are cute and amazing. 

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