Date? || Kamo Noritoshi x GN Reader

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Request by KiteRite

A/N: Yo! this is my first time doing a 1st POV.  I'm sorry if it's bad

I am Kamo Noritsohi, the next head of the Kamo clan. I had this responsibility ever since I was 6 years old. My mother had to leave me in the care of the Kamo clan because I inherited the blood manipulation curse technique.

It has always been hard for me to make decisions for myself. I'm always thinking of becoming the best head clan and later in life to meet my mother once more. That's why I was always studying, until it became like a hobby for me.

"Let's go on a date this weekend, Nori!"

This person right in front of me is my one only lover.

"Sorry (y/n). I can't. I have to study. The TOEFL test is nearing the date."

"Oh... okay. You said that a week ago."

(y/n) sighed. They left me alone and went to their room.


"You're an idiot." Todo responded.

"What? I'm not!"

"For once I agree with Todo. I'm not surprised if (y/n) eventually break up with you." Momo followed.

Both are truthfully right. Rarely Todo and Momo aggread with each other. I guess I'm a bad boyfriend. I'm really dumb. I scratched my head. "Then what should I do?"

"Go on a date with them." They said in unison.


Usually on the weekend they would play games and stay in their room. I hope they're here. I took a deep breath and knocked on their door.

"WAIT! WAIT!" They yell before opening the door. "OH! Good morning Nori!!." They greeted me with a wonderful wide smile.

"M-morning. Are you free today?" I felt sweat dripping down.

"I'm planning to play this new game. If you want you can join."

"I'd like that." I went to their room.

This wasn't really what I had in mind. Aren't dates supposed to be places outside, not our rooms? This is what we usually do though... Why did I agree. I should've asked them if they wanted to go to the movies or the aquarium.

They started to explain what game they're going to play. "It's in english. So it might help you learn a few phrases. Maybe." They mumbled the last part.

"Oh. I see."

I don't remember a lot from the game. There were a lot of curses from the main character and also (y/n). They were really amazing. I'm honestly surprised at how precise and fast they can kill the enemies. I think we spent 11 hours playing the game. We both felt tired and slept on the floor. The next day my back felt so sore.  

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