Reminiscing || Fushiguro Megumi x F Chubby Reader

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Request by iwachans_maid_dress_

"H-Hi! My name is (l/n) (y/n)... uhhh... I hope we get along well!!" She bows down in front of the three students. She nervously smiled before the other introduce themselves to her.

(y/n) at first was pretty quiet. She doesn't really talks except when she needed too. Her eyes would often avoid who she was talking. Especially with Megumi.

Let's say (y/n) first impression of Megumi was... intimidating. His face is always emotionless and his green eyes is just scary to look at. That was before Megumi shown his caring side towards the girl.

"Ughhh..." She holds her stomach. 'this skirt really hurts...' She thinks to herself. Her uniform was custom made by her only blindfolded teacher, but it seems that he put the wrong size for her skirt. The size supposed to be a bit bigger not smaller. (y/n) cursed her teacher because of this.

Megumi noticed that (y/n) was holding stomach a lot at class. Curiosity and worried, Megumi approached to see if you are okay.

"hey... are you okay?" Megumi asked you from behind.

"HUH?! OH! It's you! Wha-what do you mean?" (y/n) jumped and calm down when she turned around to see the black haired teen.

"you were holding your stomach a lot... are you okay?"

"Oh! Hehe, it's just my skirt size... umm I guess you could say a bit too small for my body type... Which really hurt my stomach..."

"Have you asked Gojo-sensei to change it?"

"Uhh...No, I don't want to ask him... he's probably busy with other stuff."

"hm, don't worry about that. Just ask him."

(y/n) just nod and thanked Megumi for the suggestion.

The next day, Megumi asked for you condition.

"is your stomach okay?"

"eh? Uhhh its okay now! Thanks Fushiguro..."

"You can call me Megumi."

(y/n) blushed. "alright Megumi."

Megumi reminiscing to his early high school years. (y/n) being shy and quiet kid was long gone, maybe it's because she hangs out with Nobara and Maki senpai.

Nowadays when someone talks to her, her eyes are glued on that person. Plus now (y/n) have a foul mouth. Like she would roast anyone, even Gojo sensei.

Just hours ago, (y/n) went on a roasting session with some of the new students in school. Megumi had to stop in middle of the session to release the victims from its torture.

Megumi chuckled remembering it. He looked down and smiled seeing (y/n) sleeping peacefully with her head his lap. Wishing that everyday can be as peaceful like today.  

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