One step of being close || Zenin Maki x F Reader

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"We could be friends first"

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"We could be friends first"

Request by ReiTheWeeb

At the age of 16, a person can see a red string on one of their finger. It is said the strings will lead you to your true soulmate. The closer you get to the person, the shorter the length of the string. But for some reason, divorce, break ups, separation are still a common problem to people this day. Coincidentally your parents are one of those people. After your parents' divorce you really made you feel like soulmate doesn't really exist.

You blow your candles in front of you. You mother recording you blowing. You close your eyes for a second and you saw a red string on your pinkie. You sighed just by looking at it. If you don't find your soulmate soon, that red string will follow you until the end. 'Annoying' you think.

The next morning, you do your usual activities; preparing for school, go to school, study, etc. You looked at the time. 14:45. 15 more minutes until school finish. You tapped your table to pass the time, rather than paying attention to your teacher.







The school bell rang out loud. Students and teacher prepared their leave and say their goodbyes. You switched your school white shoes into your regular shoes. You then head to your regular convenience store.

As you went inside, you notice your string gets shorter. You debated to follow it or not. If you did follow it, would you be guarantee happiness because of your soulmate? But if you don't you won't ever find out who is your soulmate. The latter reason made you more curious. You deeply inhale and follow the red string.

"I heard Hakari senpai got suspended..." A black spiky boy talk. No sign of red string.

"SALMON!?!" A light colour boy responded with devastation on his face. Still no.

"Yeah, it's because he beat up a conservative." A... Panda...

"Like that idiot should." The only girl speak. She wore round glasses and her hair is put into a ponytail. You looked back to your red string. It gets really short. From what you see, the end of the string leads to her.

You inhale, building your confidence to talk to her. Your legs are not cooperating with you. Its stiff and hard to walk, but you eventually get near enough with her. Her back was facing you. You tapped her shoulder.

"huh? Wha-" The girl word was cut off as she see a red string around your pinkie. "you're... my soulmate..."

You nod.

There was an awkward silence. "Shake." The light haired guy excuse himself, followed by the two other.


"Nice to meet you I guess?" You broke the silence.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too... My name is Zenin Maki." A hint of blush can be seen on her.

"(l/n) (y/n)"

Another awkward silence.

"So... how does this work? Do we instantly date or..." You genuinely ask her. You don't know how this type of things go.

"We could be friends first" Maki said.


You both exchange contacts. 

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