Dresses and suits || Fushiguro Megumi x Reader

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Every year Saitama Urami East Junior High School has a prom night for graduating students. The prom night is not a compulsory event, but it is encouraged for all students to go.

"Prom night huh?" You stare at the poster on the notice board. You are going to graduate in a few days, every of your friends are attending the prom nights with their significant other or with friends. You don't hate the idea of going to the dance, but you wanted to just stay at home. If someone invited you to the dance, you would absolutely say yes to the person. This is a one of a lifetime event in your life.

In the corner of your eyes you saw Fushiguro standing beside you. "You want to go to the dance?" He asks with monotone. You nod.

Fushiguro gulped, a hint of blush can be seen on his face. "D-do you want to go together?" Fushiguro slightly sweats when he asks. His face glued to the notice board. You were stunned hearing the question. Although it's almost been a half of a year both of you live together because of circumstance, it is still unlike him to say that.

"Yeah..." Fushiguro noticed a blush on your face. Fushiguro didn't show any emotions, but he was happy that you accepted his invitation.

The prom night was two weeks away. You both decided it would be best to buy a suit and dress now rather than later and with a monochrome palette cottage core. Gojo-sensei was super excited to see both of you in formal outfits. "You both can go all out!" Gojo-sensei giving his credit card to Fushiguro. Gojo-sensei helped Fushiguro to choose his suit, while you were left alone to choose.

There were a bunch of dresses to choose from in the tailor shop. All of the dresses are beautiful, however none of the dresses fits your expectations. You walked around with your hand ran touching the dresses. Your eyes shine to see a white dress. It was an off the shoulder dress and the bottom having transparent ruffles. The dress looks as if it's from a fantasy land. You need to wear this dress. (A/N: Sorry, idk how to describe how the dress looks like.)

The D-day has come

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The D-day has come. You were in your room touching up some of your make-up. Some of your hair was clipped to the back with a beautiful blue coloured clip. It was hard to get in your dress, but you manage to do it.

"You look beautiful (Y/N)-chan! I bet Megumi would be surprised." A big grin stapled Gojo-sensei was leaning on the entrance of your room. Blush made into your face. "Hopefully..." You have not seen him with his suit nor him have seen you on your dress.

After doing the finishing touches, you went out of your room. Gojo-sensei offered his arm to you as if you were in your wedding. Fushiguro was standing too straight in the hallways. When Fushiguro noticed you were there, he was breathless. He can't believe himself that you before are the same person as you currently. You were breathtakingly gorgeous. The dress you chose was perfect for you.

You were also speechless of how handsome he looked with his black suit. His hair was shiny and pulled to the back. You both turned red from looking at each other. Gojo-sensei just laughs at how cute both you are acting. He quickly took a picture of you and Fushiguro together. He cried a bit to see Fushiguro grow up into a good young man.

You and Fushiguro just stared in each other awkwardly. "Haha... it's starting to get hot isn't?" Fushiguro nodded. "It's more comfortable to wear usual clothing, yeah..?" You agreed with Fushiguro. Nevertheless you want to see him in this outfits again in the future.

A/N: This is the first fic that I pretty proud to share, bcs my grammar is super bad. "Person A and B have to go to a formal event. Neither have seen the other in fancy clothing. When they both see each other in their formal attire they are stunned by how beautiful/handsome the other is. In the end they both agree that casual clothing is more comfortable." I was inspired by OTP prompt post from tumblr by OTP prompts for you. I really like his OTP prompts.

Jujutsu Kaisen x reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now