[61] Family

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I managed to wrench myself from Ayato's grip and get out of my dorm. I need to get over to Zero's and then go to sleep. I am one hundred percent skipping classes tomorrow, I don't care what anyone says. I get to decide what I do. I slip out of the dorm building and down the steps, shivering slightly at the cold morning air.

I've decided to go early, that way Akara doesn't have to come and get me, I can come and get myself thanks. I look to the sky, missing the morning sun rises a little. I never really got up in time to watch them when I was with Anteiku and the Aogiri, but in the CCG some missions were set at wild times to catch the ghouls off guard, so I got to watch them every now and then.

I watch the sky slowly turn blue as the sun lights up the sky, the stars disappearing one by one. I continue to watch the sky and wave to the gatekeeper, hearing him grumble something under his breath as I pass. I just ignore him and keep going. I want to be in and out before the Day Class wakes up, as always.

I don't know if the word has spread to the Day class about Zero and I being related, I highly doubt it has, Zero isn't really the type to go around yelling about his hardships and troubles. That's more of a Yuki thing if you think about it. Maybe sprinkle a little Akara in there. It seems Kiryu's just want to keep their problems to themselves and keep quiet more than not.

I take a deep breath and hop over the cross over, I can't be bothered unlocking and opening it. I jump down on the other side, landing silently as always and continuing on my journey.

"Maybe he won't forgive me," I murmur to myself, watching the stars wink out slowly. "The probability is high I guess."

I walk across the paths as the Moon and Day dorm paths merge, spinning around so I can walk my way there. I notice a few early dwellers going for runs and walking around. But most of them ignore me and continue on with themselves. Obviously, this is where all the normal people are, they come out in the early morning hm? I'll keep that in mind if I ever need human assistance.

So probably never and I'll forget it quickly. I hope over the Sun Dorm cross over as well, like I do every other day it seems. I notice that the Sun Dorm doesn't have a gatekeeper. That would explain why Zero and Yuki have to Guardians, no one keeps things in check around here.

Explains a lot.

I wander straight past the gate and into the Sun Dorm. The fact that the Headmaster's residence is just off the Sun Dorm proves that the vampire's really do have free reign and are away from everyone. Sure, we have the teachers resident around us but it's not hard to avoid, just don't walk towards it.

Walk other ways, such as towards the Sun Dorm, which is why I can just walk myself around all the time. Pretty neat.

I walk to the right, taking the path to the Headmaster's residence. I just have to wander in and hang out in the lounge room for a while until Akara wakes up and comes to get me. Oh, if he does his weird teleporting thing then we are going to completely miss each other. Maybe I should just knock politely and wait for an answer.

Nope. I'll wait until I hear people moving around. I flop onto the couch and bury my face into the pillow. Enough staring at the ceiling, stare at your eyelids instead. I take a deep breath and sigh into the pillow. Relaxing my body into the couch and hugging the pillow.

Everything seemed to happen so quickly. Ayato came back, Yagari threatened my life and then everyone knew the big secret I had kept safe for so long. At least Akara understands, unlike certain individuals-vampires that like to make my life all the harder.

I scoff into the pillow. Like I'm going to leave Shiki alone. Shiki is a friend and there is no fucking way I'm just leaving those dunces to help him when they can't even help themselves. Kami, I need a break from everything, and I don't mean like the holidays, I mean just everyone calming down and just letting life take its course.

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