[30] Old

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I laugh loudly at Uta as we sit on the couches in the main entrance, sipping wine and having a good time. Yes, Uta brought multiple bottles, and yes I shouldn't be drinking. But here we are, and here we are drunk.

"But she's safe," Uta swishes his wine around, "Itori god out easy. She was caught in a ghoul den, not being a ghoul."

I giggle, "It's easy to get out of things these days, human rights and all." I sip my wine, "Wait." I burst into giggles again.

"You've really changed while you've been here, Niko." Uta says from the couch across from me, gulping down his glass."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I sit up slightly and look up at him.

"I just mean you're more . . . relaxed. Not so . . . . ghoul-ish." He grins slightly.

"Oh, how funny of you Uta," I roll my eyes and lean back on the couch, also finishing my drink.

He chuckles from the other couch but doesn't say anything, we just lay in silence and pour another glass every now and then. Uta stares at the roof for the most of it, looking at all the intricate designs and the immaculate chandeliers. Bets the day class don't get this, we get special treatment.

Maybe I should get in with Kaname? He could get me rich. Oof, that is definitely the wine talking, maybe I should have a little break? Pfft, nope. I gulp down my glass and sit up, a wide grin spreading across my face.

"Let's go have a fight." My eyes light up as I push myself up from the couch, wobbling slightly.

Uta looks at me as if I'm stupid before nodding and standing up, "It sure has been a while."

We walk towards the entrance to get outside, well Uta walks and holds my up as I stumble around.

"Say, Uta," I push on the doors, barely being able to open them in my state, "How did you get into the academy?"

"Easily. I opened the front gate, walked in and closed it." He shrugs as we wander onto the grass. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know, an open area? I need to let off steam, pretend to kill a few people."

"You mean me?"

"Yes, Uta. I shall pretend to kill you, but I won't actually, I actually like you." I grin and almost topple over as we go down a step.

"Maybe this isn't the best idea," Uta mumbles as he holds me up.

"What do you mean?" I whine, latching onto him, "Uta~ Don't you like me?"

"Niko, you are my best friend, but you are also drunk." he tries to turn us around, but I fight back.

"But, Uta~!" I whine loudly, stomping my feet lightly against the ground. "I wanna fight!"

He huffs, "Niko we don't have anywhere to fight."

"I will find one," I hiss, marching forward.

My RC cells are slowly eating at the alcohol because I'm not consuming anymore and it's making me slightly more coherent than before. Uta raises his eyebrows in surprise at my sudden ability to walk independently and follows silently. I glance around, trying to look for any open grounds.

I mean, we are on open ground, but it is also a path. Meh, I guess we can compromise.

"Uta, let's fight here!" I say, pointing to the floor.

He once again raises his eyebrows questionably but doesn't make an effort to stop me. But, it would seem other people want to ruin my fun.

"What is going on here?" A voice rings out from behind me, making me turn to it.

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