[46] Leaving

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I wave goodbye to the majority of my friends as they leave for the Aido manor for the next two weeks. They were all pretty chill about the fact that I had vandalised their rooms and most of them have given me gifts because I went and got myself almost killed by Akra last week.

Favourite present; Shiki got me pocky like a mad lad so yes.

Also a favourite; Rima took my dress to the dry cleaners for me, so she is a mad lad as well.

I turn around to face my empty dorm. Akara is spending the day with Zero and I don't blame him. Today I shall dye my hair back to turquoise and cause havoc I guess. I might hang out with Kaien just because I have nothing to do. Something tells me I am going to be lonely for the next two weeks.

Oh yes, I suppose Zero might be around. I wonder if anyone else cool is going to be around. Maybe I should become friends with some random teacher to cure the fact that I have spent two minutes alone and I am already bored.

Wow Niko, you really rely on other people don't you. Yes, Niko, I do. I sigh and flop onto the couch as my head starts to ache again. I haven't had any visits from the spirit man recently, but I have had one hell of a migraine streak. My eye always pulses and people tend to give me a scared look when it does, my guess is it activates my ghoul eye.

That's fine, I'm all alone now. In a massive building, with no one else.

For two weeks. I groan and roll over, wishing my migraine to go away. I see my reflection in the TV screen and swear my eye looked a little blue for a second but when I look back I see it's just my normal lilac. I huff and stand up, walking towards the kitchen, I need to eat so this pain goes away.

"It won't."

I freeze. My lips just moved on their own and said words in a different voice. Okay, I am not dealing with this shit at the moment, I have other things to be doing right now. I sprint to the kitchen and grab one of the bags, practically scoffing down the food.

As I do, the headache goes away slowly and my eye stops hurting. Okay, maybe I just need to eat more regularly. I am literally going insane, that's nice. Maybe I should just move into the headmasters building for the holiday and make sure to stay around people.

I wipe my mouth clean and put the leftovers back in the fridge, kicking the door shut. I take a deep breath and walk out into the sun. I bask in the warmth of it, I miss being in the sun a little. Maybe over the holidays I can revert back to normal and spend the days awake so I can have some sun time.

I wander over to the main gardens and notice Day Class students still getting picked up by parents and taken home. Ew, I do not need to be called out now. Activate; speed walk. I speed towards Kaien's office, planning on just talking to him while he does his paperwork or something, help him fire Yagari and choose a new teacher.

Might have to spend a little more time with him first before I get to that stage. Have to melt Kaien's heart before I can do it. I enter the building and lay down on one of the couches, staring at the ceiling. Wow, a new ceiling, this is already more interesting than the Moon Dorm.

Maybe I should just come here every day and do the exact things I would do in the Moon Dorm, but here. I mean, new places, new experiences. I sigh loudly and sit up, looking for something, anything to do. C'mon there has to be something to do.

I wander into the hall and glance into every open door for something interesting. But no, nothing good, just a lot of extra bedrooms and bathrooms. I sigh and look at the office door before barging in, interrupting some sort of serious meeting between Kaien and Yagari.

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