[21] Kami

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I stare at Aido, shaking my head at the boy. I sigh and just open the case, putting the earplugs in.

"Oi, Niko-"

"Lalala, no I don't wanna know." I spin away from him and turn towards the door.

I can hear him loud and clear but I'm just gonna pretend I can't. He brings his face right up next to mine and stares straight at the side of my face. I try not to react, just keeping my face as stony as possible.

"Tsk, just leave her alone, Hanabusa." The boy wanders over to the couch and sits down, rubbing the back of his head.

Aido sighs and glares harshly at me before heading to sit down on the couch as well. I glance behind me at them and almost burst into laughter as Akara suddenly teleports onto the couch, spread-eagle across the lot of them sitting on the couch.

I turn back to the front and cover my mouth, my shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Aido, wake me up when we're going." I faintly hear Akara say before he completely passes out.

Rough night, huh?

"Niko, stop laughing!" Aido hisses from the couch, raising his fist at me.

I wander over to them, pulling one of the earplugs out. I giggle, seeing Aido, Kain and Ichijo all stuck beneath Akara.

"This looks fun doesn't it?" I chuckle and sit down on the coffee table that sits in front of the couch.

Kain just groans and rolls his head back, already done with today and it's antics.

"Aw, c'mon big guy, we haven't even left the dorms yet." I raise my hand and smack his knee harshly, making it jerk sporadically and knee Akara in the stomach.

I cover my mouth with both hands and rock backwards, pissing myself with laughter. All three vampires sitting under the boy hold their breath and stare at the practically dead body on top of them, looking for any type of movement. Akara doesn't even flinch, he just sleeps right through it.

"Niko do you want to kill me?" Kain hisses to me, looking genuinely angry.

I smile widely, "I only kill my favourites," I turn to Ruka and offer her a smirk, "So you will be living for eternity."

Right when Ruka goes to answer me, Aido cuts her off.

"Niko! You didn't answer my question, what is your status?" He practically growls at me from the couch.

Ruka turns to look at the boy then at me, her interest peaked by the sudden revolutionary question of the boy. I smile softly to them and lean forward, putting a hand up to my mouth and the other motioning for them to lean closer.

Or as close as they can get without waking the sleeping dragon on their laps.

"Wanna know a secret?" I whisper, looking at all of them in turn.

Aido nods his head expectantly while Ruka crosses her arms with a huff. Kain picks up on my gag immediately and leans back into the couch. No fun.

"Well, the truth is. I'm a Level D and I only have three months to live." I lean away from them and wait for a reaction.

None, no reaction at all. I pout.

"Well, you guys are no fun." I cross my arms and stand from the coffee table, putting the earbud back in.

Kain rolls his eyes and reaches for the remote, turning the TV on and flicking through the channels. I watch the news flicker by, my eyes widening at the picture on the TV.

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