[68] King

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Yuki lets out a scream when Rido bites into her neck. She tries to struggle but the blood vines keep her in place. But not for long. Niko comes shooting out of the tree line, clearing the wall easily and kicking Rido right around the head, making his release Yuki and step back.

Niko picks up Yuki and jumps back towards the Aristocrats that are being held in by shadows and Level E's under Rido's control. He stumbles back a step before snapping his gaze up to meet Niko's.

He smirks when he sees her, he has been waiting for her appearance, it's about time he got on with the main agenda here, he may want to get Yuki, but there is something better, something he yearns for more. Power. To be the vampire king, to be the strongest, the one with the most power. All he needs is to get his hands on Niko.

It won't take long, he knows he can, he is a pureblood, he can turn people into dust without even looking at them, not that he wants to turn Niko to dust, he wants to turn her into two completely different things. He wants to turn her into her true form, and into a bride worthy of the vampire king.

Niko glares at Rido. She knows he wants Yuki and isn't going to let him have her, mostly because Kaname might kill her if she lets his precious Yuki come to harm. Niko has it backwards. She lets her Ukaku out, letting it rise out as wings behind her as she places Yuki on the ground.

She growls slightly, her eye turning into a ghouls, dark and dangerous. She is slightly worried as she left Ayato with Yagari, but she'll just kill the latter if the former dies. She pulls out the two katana's Kaien trusted her with and takes a deep breath, ready to be obliterated but to kill Rido in the process.

"I see you have recovered, Princess." He smirks grossly at her, his heteroromantic eyes boring into her lilac ones.

"I am no princess, Kuran." She spits his name like it burnt her tongue.

Rido lets out a manic laugh as she does, his face lighting up, "Just wait, you will be surprised by what you are, Princess."

Niko hisses and jumps towards him, her speed surprising everyone. She swings at him, barely grazing his cheek as he dodges and grabs her. She swings the other katana down and lops his arm off. She steps back just in time for it to grow back.

Rido glares at her, "You've grown stronger than I thought."

The truth is, Niko has been very weak, but as she has been killing the masses of Level E's she took the liberty of feasting on a few and basically binged for the last hour, so here she is on a high and she has no idea how long she will keep it up.

She shoots spikes from her Ukakau at him, knowing they can't fatally damage him but there is a chance they may harm him enough to distract him from her and her movements. She just needs to hold off until someone with better hunter skills than her comes around, she may be strong, but she is pretty much useless against a Pureblood, all she can do is distract and injure.

"Yuki, your blood stinks. You are going to attract more Level E's." Niko mumbles as she kills off a few from the night class, making sure not to get harmed by any of them as she does.

But, her main agender is Rido and she needs to get rid of him quickly, the longer they wait the stronger he gets and the more he can do. She goes in again, dropping low to avoid the mass amounts of vines shooting out to catch her and slips right past them. She jumps up on the other end and slashes at him, this time making a substantial wound on the vampire, but she takes too long.

Rido grabs her hands with both of his, stopping her in her tracks completely. She hisses and bites right down on his hand, ripping the flesh off it and munching on it as she tries to swing and get his other hand off her. He smirks widely and wraps blood vines around her ankles all the way up her legs. He squeezes her hand tightly, causing her to drop the blades from her hands.

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