[52] Heterochromatic

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I yawn loudly, walking down the stairs to the entrance hall. First day back to classes. We get classes while the Day Class gets situated. Kami I hate Mondays and the pain they bring. The start of the school week and the start of my bad mood. But it's all good. I heard that Shiki appeared last night after I went to bed. I slept all night and day I was that tired.

I notice Kain first and walk over to him, catching his attention by having bright green hair that catches pretty much everyone's attention. I tell you, it is useful to have green hair, one day I will make a speech about it and present it. I look up at Kain, who is looking like he seriously is thinking about dropping out of school.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly, catching his attention again.

He looks down at me and sighs, "Hanabusa is acting up."

I nod, "I noticed yesterday, I was going to ask if you knew anything about it, but obviously not." I murmur, glancing around the crowd around us, it's almost class time and it seems like a very small number of people are still around. "Strange."

"You've noticed too," Kain says, also looking at the dwindling numbers of the class around us.

"What do you think happened?" I ask, genuinely confused as to why so many people would leave Cross Academy over one holiday.

"The rumours of Lord Kaname protecting Kiryu got around, many families have lost their respect for him." He says, watching said Pureblood walk down the stairs.

"When I said you lot were stuck up, I didn't think it was to this extent," I mumble back, also watching Kaname walk towards us.

"Shall we go?" He steps outside first, the rest of the crowd following him quietly.

Rima falls in step with us, making me glance at her in worry.

"Shiki?" I mumble.

She nods to me and trails her eyes to the diagonal right ahead of us. I follow her gaze and look at him, confused. He is carrying himself different from before. Taller, more energetic, not like Shiki at all. As if he could feel our gazes he turns to look at us, a smirk on his lips. I glance away quickly, my eyes widening considerably.

Heterochromatic eyes bore into the side of my face, his smirk playing over and over in my head. I gulp and keep my eyes trained forward. So something is wrong with Shiki. I try to ignore his gaze and I turn to Rima. I narrow my eyes slightly, trying to figure out what is going on. Surely not the same person. I know one person personally with heterochromatic eyes and know that it is particularly rare but I'm sure something else is going on here.

When we reach the cross over I realise I have forgotten my earplugs. Oh well, let's hope my ears have gotten used to it. That or we are going to have another episode of my first day here. I don't want that to happen again, it was kinda shit.

I pout when I realise that Shiki has obviously gone through some sort of character change because that means I can't vent to him about what's happened over the holidays. I sigh and shake my head slightly, I'm just going to have to wait for Akara to come back. Or I can vent to Rima, but I think that's a little unfair with what is happening.

Okay, let's wait for Akara, let's hit it up with Zero after class to see when the hell he's getting back because I need a vent buddy right now and I need one who actually cares, not just one that wants to listen. No offence Akatsuki, I love you, but you just love the gossip.

I pass all the girls and boys by, staying in between Rima and Akatsuki so I don't get bloody attacked by the girls again. We walk our way to class in silence, everyone seemingly in a bad mood. Aido didn't run up to the girls and cause a fuss. Instead, Shiki did. I narrow my eyes at the back of his head but look away before I make the same mistake as before and get caught staring at him.

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