[55] Baby

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"I swear I'm not dangerous."

Niko who is walking down the hall and towards him snickers when she hears the voice from the dorm entrance. She walks onto the clearing just above it, pulling her lollipop from her mouth.

"Anyone who says that is definitely dangerous . . ." She trails off as she comes to a stop, staring at the boy in front of her.

Ayato stands still at the door, turning his gaze to her slowly. His eyes are cold and calculating, making contact with hers slowly. The world seems to freeze around the two, both of them just staring at each other. Ayato's eyes widen slightly as he registers who he is seeing, he had thought she was dead up until now. Niko hadn't recognised his voice when she didn't see him but now that she knows who it is she curses loudly at herself for not picking up on it earlier.

They both stand there in silence, the room around them also coming to a halt as they notice the strong gaze being held between the two. Niko's heart rate picks up rapidly, everyone around her noticing, along with Ayato's.

Kain shifts forward slightly, peering around Niko and at Ayato, trying to put the pieces together. It doesn't take him long to figure out who Ayato is and he suddenly starts to feel nervous and excited for Niko and what's going to happen next.

It could either go really well or really badly.

Niko's lollipop slips from her fingers as her lips part slightly as she stares at her boyfriend.

Aido watches the lolly fall, his eyes trailing down to the floor with it, his eyes showing confusion.

The lolly makes a loud clank against the marble floor, setting many actions into motion. Niko grabs the rail and pulls herself onto it, kicking off it aggressively and flying straight towards Ayato. The boy doesn't move as she shoots towards him. He opens his arms slightly, accepting her.

She slams into the boy, her arms wrapping around him tightly. Ayato grunts and stumbles back, reaching a hand out for support. He wraps his other arm around her tightly, burying his face in her hair.

But, his hand comes into contact with the door and it swings open, making both teenagers fall straight out the door and tumble down the steps. Loud grunts and squeaks ring out as they smack each step on the way down. The door swings closed and the hall stays silent, watching it carefully.

Akara breaks into a wide smile as Niko's contagious laugh rings out.

"I think we will leave them for now." He says to the vampires present, placing an arm on Zero's shoulders and stepping in front of the door like a guard.

Niko straddles Ayato, holding his face between her hands and staring at him.

"You're alive." He whispers, wrapping his arms around her.

Niko sniffles and hugs him tightly, scared to let him go.

"I can't believe you are here." She whispers to him, making him tighten his grip on her. "I saw you on the news, I was worried."

Ayato chuckles slightly into her neck, his mood brightening considerably. Yes, he did quite a plethora of dumb and dangerous things that all happened to make it onto the news. He remembers thinking at the times that if Niko was there with him she would have stopped him long ago, but now that he is alone he can have every go at every person he wants.

Niko chuckles into his neck and sits up, pulling Ayato into a sitting position with her. She smiles widely and holds his face in her hands while he holds her waist lightly with his hands.

"You're hotter than I remember," she says, pulling at his cheeks harshly.

He groans as she does, "You are exactly the same, but your hair's a little brighter."

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