[50] Eyes

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I stare down at my reflection, waiting for them to answer, but nothing happens.

"You need to fuck off." I say, "I don't want headaches and I don't give two shits who you are or if you are trying to help me I need you and your little ghost friend to leave me alone. I don't care wh-"

Still no response, just a pain in my head.

I hiss, scowling deeply, "try me bitch, I will literally snap my own neck."

No response comes from this. My eyes flicker back to lilac and my mood drops even more. Okay so at least I know this guy isn't being nice, he isn't trying to 'help me' like the ghost man thinks he is. My guess is that these two are in cahoots.

How or why I don't know but they are most prominent when I am alone. The walk to the moon dorm, the shower, alone in the woods. The ghost will stick around if people keep hanging around but whoever is up in my head disappears whenever I have the chance of showing someone. I wonder what would happen if I just told someone.

I stand up and a sharp pain goes through my head making me stubble to the side a little and lean up against a tree for support. Okay, so I'm not going to tell anyone. Happy? Wow I'm really pathetic, aren't I? So as this point all I have to do if figure out to get you out of my fucking head yeah?

One day left of the holidays and nothing to do seems like a sufficient way to spend my time. I walk my way back slowly, taking my time in retracing my steps so I can remember the way here without having to bounce around like a lunatic.

"So, shit-head, what makes you think you can just wander up and take over my mind?" I jump up and snap a branch off a tree, playing with the leaves in my hands. "I don't even know you, or is that why you chose me? Because you are too much of a pussy to go after someone who knows you?"

I get no reply but I don't stop, I want to get everything I can out of this situation. I need information, and I want it now.

"What is the purpose of this? Do you have a reason behind it all? Or do you just feel like making my life hard?" I whip the branch around, sending it flying into the distance, "I'm going to name you ass-hat, is that okay with you?"

Once again there is no reply and no pain to my head, making me question whether this person has left already and are just leaving me to become insane with myself.

"Are you after me because I'm weak at the moment? Because my family is dying? Ah, wait, I've been getting headaches for weeks. Did you chose me because the creepy Ichio dude, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him." A harsh pierce goes through my head, making me wince slightly.

So the pain comes when he is angry is my guess, not when he wants to speak to me. How annoying. Haha, looked just whoever you are, because I am really annoying and my head is the worst place to be at the moment. I have spent weeks with no contact with my family and have severe anxiety at the moment because I keep convincing myself they have all died.

You will not win this fight.

Another sharp pain goes through my head and I roll my eyes, already done with this man. I wander out of the tree line and into the clearing. I spot Zero picking vegetables with Kaien and Yuki. Kaien turns first.

"Ah, Niko! Come garden with us!" He waves from his little squat position.

He is wearing a little apron with a cat on it, making me internally chuckle at him and his antics.

"Yeah sure." I squat down beside him and look into the garden bed, "What are we picking?"

"Everything!" Kaien yells, throwing his hands in the air to show me an array of vegetables held in his hands.

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