[4] Unexpected

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Hide is waiting for me outside the shop, standing in plain sight so I can spot him easily. I wave to him as I walk forward, catching his attention quickly. He shoves his phone away and smiles at me, waving back.

I smile lightly and drop my hand as I reach him, trying to at least act the part.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly, trying to keep up with my facade from within the shop.

He shrugs, "Where do you want to go?"

I smirk slightly, "I'm new around here, so why don't you take me to your favourite spots?"

This boy is in for a surprise. I'm not going to eat him or anything, I just know how to inflate egos. Hide grins wider and nods, grabbing my hand again and entwining our fingers. He tugs me along the street, weaving between other people who are walking on the footpath.

I glance at our hands, my eyebrows raised. This boy has guts that's for sure.

"I know just the place, I think you'll like it." He says back at me, pulling me forward so I'm walking in step with him.

I pretend to stumble a little at his action as a human would. In reality, I can react to most situations without a second's notice, it's just how I am. My mother was the same, she could tell when something was going to happen, apart from the one time it counted.

I shake the memory out of my head and focus on now. On Hide, on this 'date' of sorts, I need to just keep myself distracted and occupied.

"So tell me about yourself, K." Hide says as we walk down the street towards wherever he is pulling me.

"Well, I'm seventeen, eighteen in a few months. I'm average height and I enjoy walks." I say, throwing a smile at him as he nods along with my words, "What about you, Hide?"

"Well, I'm nineteen, I'm above average height I guess, and I work with the CCG as a post boy." He scratches the back of his head, looking embarrassed.

I gulp slightly, "Wah! The CCG, that must be so cool!"

I cringe at myself as soon as I say it, my dignity clinging on by only a thread. Hide looks over at me, surprised.

"Oh, I thought you wouldn't find me being a post boy . . . interesting."

I give him a smile, "I didn't think anyone would find me, a waitress, interesting."

Hide smiles at me, warming up to me surprisingly quickly. I've got this boy wrapped around my finger.

"I think anyone would find you interesting." He stops at the lights, waiting for them to change so we can walk across the road.

"Hm? If you say so." I smile and shake his hand off my wrist and slip my hand into his.

He looks down at our hands and flushes, his cheeks going pink. I almost chuckle at this, finding his shyness a little cute. Huh, Ayato is not cute. But he's hot so it's all good. Hide looks up from our hands and smiles at me again, not being able to get it off his face.

The light goes red and the intersection fills with people. We walk across, hand in hand. I look to the side quietly, noticing a presence watching us. I smirk slightly as I spot purple hair floating through the crowd of people.

I hold Hide's hand tighter and walk closer to him, making sure I'm not bowling people over as I pass them. I giggle lightly as the gaze on the side of my face starts to burn a little, the person glaring aggressively at me.

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