[39] Shopping

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"Kaien I have a proposal." I sit down in front of him, crossing my legs and hoping to God that Shiki isn't falling asleep behind me.

"What is that Niko?" He asks, obviously looking at my hair which is a much more vibrant silver than before.

"I will," I gulp placing my hands in the table, "Remove my hair dye," His eyes widen and he stands up, a wide smile coming onto his face as he opens his drawer and pulls out colour remover, "If you pay for me to buy a dress for the ball tomorrow."

"Oh, Niko!" Kaien jumps around the table and pulls me into a hug, "You don't need to bargain it, you are my niece!"

My eyes go wide, "So I don't need to remove my hair colour?"

"No, there's a bathroom down the hall." He places the colour remover in my hand.

I sigh and nod my head, pouting to Shiki slightly as he follows me out and into the bathroom. I stare in the mirror and sigh. My hair may as well fall out, it's gonna hate me. I turn to Shiki as I read the directions.

"Let's do this."


I wander back into Kaien's office, scratching my scalp lightly as the heat from drying it makes it itch. Shiki walks in behind me, grabbing pieces of my hair and pulling them into place.

The fact that my hair is waist length made the entire process much harder. I sit down in front of Kaien as he fangirls and brings out a camera. I smile weakly at it and look back to him.

"Here~!" He sings and hands over his card to me, dancing back around his desk and sitting down, looking completely content.

"Thanks, Uncle Kaien," I say and wave goodbye to him and grab Shiki's hand tightly. "Thanks for coming." He just nods and holds my hand back, squeezing it lightly.

"Can we meet Rima at the gate? I don't wanna show off my hair." I mumble, looking at the floor.

"Hm? Why?" He asks as he reaches up and pulls a strand of my hair towards him. "It's pretty."

"It's just a little . . . bland." I say, picking up some of the silver strands and staring at them as well.

"Hm, I think it looks good on you." He mumbles before nodding to the gate, "Rima is already here."

I let out a sigh of relief and did a little weird run towards her. "Sorry to make you wait, it took longer than I thought." She just raises her eyebrows and stares at my hair.I smile tightly, thinking she doesn't like it.

She reaches out and grabs a little bit of my hair, "It looks nice, it suits you."

"Thanks," I smile softly, "Anyway! To shopping!" I kick the gate open and make my way out of the school.

I'm happy to be getting my time out of here. And shopping with two models shows pretty sick if you ask me.

"Is silver your normal hair colour?" Rima asks as she walks along beside Shiki.

I nod, "My dad's side I think. I dyed it later because I got bored of it and got sick of being called an old woman by the kids around me." I huff and look over at Shiki who is staring back at me, "What?"

"You look like the Kiryu boy."

I deadpan and sulk in the corner, "Just because we have silver hair and lilac eyes doesn't mean I look like a boy."

"No, you don't look like a boy. You're short." He says, somehow offending me more.

"Shiki, you are making it worse," Rima says up to the boy who just looks down at her in confusion. "But you do look like Mr Scary Guardian."

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